crisis of peace

Jennie 2022-03-21 09:03:07

I have read the book the world is flat for a long time, but after watching this movie, it gave me a stronger shock. The book wrote about India very badly, but after watching the movie, I have a more complete feeling of India. .

The world is flat, everyone has equal opportunity, watching those Indians speak broken English, but they continue to work hard for their future, even though they earn 1/50th of what Americans do, but In India, it is already a good job.

I think every Chinese should push himself well and have a strong sense of crisis brought about by economic globalization. English has become one of the official languages ​​of India, but the level of English in China can be said to be very low.

Although the film said at the end that they would move their call center to Shanghai, China, it was actually the screenwriter's mistake! The author clearly states in the book that India is the largest country for human resource outsourcing in the United States, and China is just a factory, and I believe that the cost of establishing a call center in Shanghai must be higher than the "warehouse" in the Indian countryside in the film. , the salary of supervisors in Shanghai is unlikely to be only more than 70,000 per year.

But after watching the movie, I still have the motivation to learn English better, hehe, Chinese, let's work together!

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  • Asha: A holiday in Goa.

  • Purohit N. Virajnarianan: I'm Purohit Narsimacharaya Virajnarianan. But you can call me Puro.