About second degree damage

Shanny 2022-03-21 09:02:19

This is a story that feels disillusioned at the end.
It's a sad story.

The story is simple, two boys are exposed to sexual experiences prematurely and then develop their own personalities.
Male A is a Saturn man (hereinafter referred to as: handsome boy), dark, very seductive, Scorpio constellation type, sexy.
Male B is his classmate, a traditional good boy, since childhood (hereinafter referred to as: good boy).
Both men were seduced by baseball coaches at the age of eight, and they both reacted very differently to how it happened.
The handsome boy responded completely, a little shy at most, but he enjoyed this mature man very much. So later he fell in love with him and played his life for the sake of his goodbye.
Good Boy refuses to accept the truth and makes such powerful psychological suggestions to himself that he believes he has been abducted by aliens from time to time in the past.
There is a certain possibility of this. When I was a child, because I was so obsessed with Uncle Martin, one day when I was watching the moon during the day, I felt that the same spaceship as Uncle Martin flew by the moon. But in fact, it was a psychological suggestion caused by an 8-year-old child because of fantasy.

But aside from authenticity, movies are like psychology, where screenwriters make plot assumptions, but people think it's real. Because everything is so real under the camera.

But back to the movie itself, the screenwriter doesn't think too much about the conventional H-plot (although there are quite a few), and the focus of the story is on the process of revealing the secret.
Ostensibly, the story focuses on the rotten life of a handsome boy who eventually suffers from SM in the sex trade.
In fact, the main line of the story has always been the self-searching process of good boys.
He is looking for the truth that has been buried for a long time, but the subconscious is stronger, he is searching hard, but everything can only wait for the disclosure of the key person - the handsome boy.
But the truth surfaced, and the good boy immediately ushered in a second injury. Responded, "I really want to know. I know but I would rather not know."
At the end of the story, the handsome boy hugged the good boy tightly, comforting him that everything would be fine.
Yes, second-degree injury is the beginning of the official healing of the wound, although it is painful, it is inevitable.

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