To have a goal requires effort.

Chesley 2022-04-20 08:01:04

Watching a movie like this today is perfect.
I was in a bad mood, had no sense of direction, and couldn't be more chaotic. thinking about the future.
A lot of time wasted. Just like running water.
Today, none of the same imprints are left by effort.
Where is society? Can't touch it at all.
Terribly helpless.

Movies seem to give people an aspect. It's really like an old-fashioned analogy.
A beacon, a beacon...
With a goal and effort, it is a warning to lazy people.
put into practice. come on. 080701

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Extended Reading

Step Up quotes

  • Lucy Avila: [talking about Colin] He's sophisticated. A real man.

    Miles Darby: Sophisticated? A real man? Yeah, his butt is gonna be surrounded by sophisticated in jail. How long you had your license? 6 months? 7?

    Lucy Avila: I am very mature for my age. Thank You.

    Miles Darby: Oh yeah, that's great! That's so perfect for the witness stand!

  • Lucy Avila: Woo! I love a man in a uniform!