Franz --- Two journeys back and forth, struggle and rebirth in two places

Abby 2022-09-12 08:45:34

The picture of the film is indescribably beautiful. Every frame seems to be a frozen artwork, and the plot of the film flows slowly. The characters in the play are gentle and elegant, with delicate feelings. The whole film seems to make people feel warm and silent, and sadness and forbearance are among them. The main color, which makes those rare bright colors and Anna's rare smile seem so precious and beautiful.

Anna is a beautiful and elegant woman. Her emotions are tolerant and delicate, the expressions of the actors are calm and restrained, and the differences between the French and German characters in the film are also revealed. She is so brave and responsible, not only weaving two-way kindness. Lie, with the encouragement of priests and parents-to-be, strives to pursue love and self.

For her, Adrian was not her final destination, but a crutch, a new leaf, and a breeze in her painful days. On her way to France, she encountered everything that Adrian had encountered when she came to Germany, indifference, hostility, embarrassment and unfriendliness. The symmetry of the plot shows a unique charm here. What you encountered, I must also encounter.

She went to see Manet's painting "The Suicide". In fact, she and Adrian had both attempted suicide. She looked for Adrian with hope, but was rejected by the timid him. It was found that from France to Germany and then to France, Anna has moved towards a new life on this journey of encounter, approach, pain, forgiveness, and brave search again.

After leaving Germany, Adrian once tried to commit suicide, which is similar to Anna's state of mind, but people can't just live for themselves. Fanny, the fiancee arranged by his mother, has a good personality and is also his childhood sweetheart. Although Adrian still loves Anna in his heart, he does not have the courage to kiss Anna, nor does he have the courage to choose his own love.

Anna also made her own choice. She chose to leave in tears and ended a loveless love in a foreign country. The overall story of the film is moving, but it does not make people feel bluntly fabricated. The 113-minute film also accommodates so much content, and the structure and arrangement are appropriate and full of historical texture.

Adrian feels weak, and he seeks forgiveness from beginning to end to find relief. He is far less brave and strong than Anna, but he is just one of thousands of ordinary young people who have been thrown into the battlefield. It is not easy for him to go to Germany alone. He weaves lies so that Franz can live in the memory of his parents, and he reveals the truth and releases himself, but he did not expect that Anna would finally forgive him with such great flexibility. Adrian is an ordinary person, vulnerable and real, and he is also a lucky one who has received the greatest forgiveness and forgiveness.

Anna's parents-to-be are touching, courteous, meticulous care and concern, endless encouragement and support, despite the loss of their beloved son, they retain the greatest kindness. They are a warm couple, and that love will last every minute. The overflowing silver screen has exhausted the Chinese daughter-in-law's imagination of her in-laws.

Franz is a warm, beautiful and delicate film. After watching it, I feel a little better. Maybe this is the infiltration of love.

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