Always yearn for freedom

Raymundo 2021-11-16 08:01:27

Freedom is won by the people and not given by God. The religious elements in this film make me not so fond of it. And given that power corrupts people, I am skeptical of all struggles and resistance.

Look at your family.They are free.They have a future.They have hopes and dreams and the promise of a life with digity.That is what I want for my people.And that is why I must do the task that god has given me.

Moses’ dream: After learning about his life, Moses had a dream in a daze. He dreamed that when Pharaoh killed Hebrew babies, his mother took his elder brothers and sisters to avoid soldiers, and put him into a bamboo basket for drifting. . This dream is expressed by ancient Egyptian murals. The creativity and artistic level are breathtaking.

Second: Moses fights with Pharaoh’s two great masters in the palace hall: This section of background music suite is called "you're playing with the big boys", humorous and humorous. The performances of the two great masters are hilarious and appear in turn. The statues of ancient Egyptian gods are solemn and solemn, not to be missed.

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Extended Reading

The Prince of Egypt quotes

  • Yocheved: [singing, while wrapping a blanket around her baby and hiding it in her arms] Yal-di ha-tor veh he ha-rach...

    [My good and tender son]

    Yocheved: Al ti-ra, veh al tif-chad.

    [Don't be frightened and don't be scared]

    Yocheved: My son, I have nothing I can give, but this chance that you may live. I pray we'll meet again, if He will deliver us...

    [Yocheved, Miriam and Aaron race to the river with the baby]

    Chorus: Deliver us, hear our prayer, deliver us from despair, these years of slavery grow too cruel to stand! Deliver us, there's a land you promised us, deliver us out of bondage and deliver us to the promised land...

    Yocheved: [placing the baby in the basket] Hush now, my baby. Be still, love, don't cry. Sleep as you're rocked by the stream. Sleep and remember my last lullaby, so I'll be with you when you dream. River, oh river, flow gently for me. Such precious cargo you bear. Do you know somewhere he can live free? River, deliver him there...

  • Young Miriam: [singing, as the Queen takes Moses from the river] Brother, you're safe now, and safe may you stay. For I have a prayer just for you: grow, baby brother, come back someday. Come and deliver us, too...