very real and angry

Timmy 2022-03-23 09:03:01

The whole story is very similar to my life experience and the experience of my good friend, because life is full of imperfections and people from all walks of life appear in a world like ours

Let's talk about authenticity first. Seeing this movie reminded me of the story of my good friend. She fell in love with a married man. She has done a good job of psychological construction and is willing to be a junior, but this man has a personality like the protagonist in the movie. If you are not good at taking the initiative to communicate, you are all led by things. In the end, because I didn't give my friend any promises and answers, my friend's pregnancy ended in tearing her face. The male protagonist of this film is such a person who faces the courtship of a same-sex friend. He did not choose to refuse but did not express his true feelings. In the face of his wife's questioning, he did not give a clear answer, and he could not communicate frankly with his mother. Everything stems from the male protagonist's attitude towards things is always passively pushed forward by events, and his biggest problem is that he can't talk about all the things he needs to talk about with his ex-friends in advance. It looks life-like and angry but it's the personality of some people in life like my friend met a scumbag

It looks disturbing. Meeting another beloved man when you have family and kids is really no choice. One step forward is the abyss, and one step ahead is to go against one's inner desires. Life is all about finding your own answers in such repetitions. I hope everyone in the world can think clearly about the problem before the incident worsens and find what they want so as not to hurt others

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Free Fall quotes

  • Kay Engel: It was a dumb idea to come here.

    Marc Borgmann: No shit.

    Kay Engel: Anyway, if you still want to go jogging sometimes...

  • Kay Engel: Stop kidding yourself. Just admit that you're gay. It isn't easy for me...

    [Marc punches Kay in the mouth]

    Marc Borgmann: I'm not gay, Kay. Got it? It was just a one-off with you. So stay away from me. Stay away from me, Kay.

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