plant growing in body

Percival 2022-03-21 09:02:23

It's reasonable to imagine. Plants grow bloodthirsty into people's bodies and imitate various sounds to attract creatures to throw themselves into the net. Is it the same principle as Venus flytrap?
The young people in American horror movies always love to run around, and the more sparsely populated the land, the more curious they are, so they all end their lives in various bizarre ways. I still remember seeing the dead bones a long time ago, saying that the collective contracted a strange disease, and the skin was slowly festering. Although the impression is not very deep, but one of the MM used to mention the blood-red skin that was removed when shaving is still deeply imprinted in his mind. In comparison, the clip of a female protagonist cutting through her skin with a knife to find the plant that seeped into her body is not so weird and scary.
But it always seems that in the dense jungles live isolated and uncivilized primitive people. Brutal violence cannot communicate. So it's better to just stay when you go out to play.
It is worth mentioning that the flowers of the bloodthirsty plants growing on the Mayan ruins are really beautiful, and it really confirms the eternal adage that the more beautiful things are, the more poisonous they are.

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The Ruins quotes

  • Eric: [smiling after collecting on his bet] Ready?

    Amy: What are you so happy about?

  • Amy: [after the taxi leaves] Wait, how are we going to get back?

    Jeff: [holding business card] Well, we're going to call him when we get out.

    Amy: With what? We're not going to get a signal out here.

    Mathias: Yeah, my phone should work. It's a world phone.

    Eric: [holding his cell phone] Hello, can you hear me now?