Some people's inferiority complex is etched in their bones

Michelle 2022-09-17 13:26:04

Some people with low self-esteem and sensitive constitution.

That glasses girl is obviously mixed race. Hardly said to be Chinese. .

What's up with the Chinese ancestry? Are all British people purebred now? Not necessarily. .

I also said that the mixed-race girl went to save her friend at night to be very righteous. Is this pro-China? ? ?

In the end. Are you really strong and afraid of being black? ?

Thinking about it every day is hurting you. That is blacking you. Someone is insulting you. . . It's better to find a way to make yourself stronger. understand?

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  • Haley: It'll be fine. The woman is a friend of mine. So she's done it a bunch of times for me. She'll kind of guide everyone through it, we'll just kinda have to follow her instructions. So just please, she is a friend of mine, not that I don't think you would, please take it seriously tho and be respectful.

  • Seylan: So because we're doing this over Zoom, what it does mean is that we're slightly less protected than we might've been, so it's very important that you respect the spirits, and you respect each other.