The storyline of the movie is super simple. A little boy named Shib rides a camel to the desert with his brother who depends on each other. He guides an Englishman to find a well. It was the black robes who were going to rob their camel...then the little boy buried his brother in the desert alone and followed his brother's last words to stay by the well and wait for his own people to come to him...the little boy stayed by the well for a few days until the camel He brought a wounded man in black robe over (the man in black robe was the murderer of his brother), the little boy Shibu gave the wounded enemy water and helped him heal the wounds. The two walked out of the desert together. Finally, the little boy shot and killed the man in black robe. His brother got revenge... Riding a camel back home... As for where his home is, we don't know? ♀️ The whole movie shot is very slow and depicts many details including flies pecking at bloody wounds, burning flames, etc. All in slow motion 5 The story that can be told in minutes took more than an hour and a half... The growth of a child is presented in this silent and cruel way, with the moon hanging over the well in the vast desert desert as cool as water at night
The little boy has a pair of eyes that are as bright as the stars and like well water in the desert
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