The Death of Thomas Beckett in History

Glennie 2022-03-21 09:03:26

It turned out that the process of killing Beckett by the four knights of Heng Er was more cruel than in the movie. He lay wounded and lay on the ground, and one of the knights chopped his head with a sword, so hard that it broke the sword. Another knight stepped on his neck and dug his brain out of his skull, shouting triumphantly, "This man will never get up again!" Then he smeared the ground with his blood and brain.

The traces of the sword on the floor tiles are still there, and the site has been protected for 900 years.

The killer smeared his brains on the floor tiles to desecrate the church so that Mass would not be possible at his funeral. At that time, many people were watching, and when the killers left, they ran to steal his blood and brain, and took it back as medicine or sold it.

Afterwards, many miracles occurred, and all kinds of diseases were cured by his blood and brain. People in the church carefully collected the remaining blood and brain on the floor tiles, diluted them and put them in small bottles for sale. "Water of Canterbury", made a lot of money, and his body became a cash cow for the church. The kings and princesses of the Plantagenet Dynasty and the Tudor Dynasty came to worship him, and even smeared the "Water of Canterbury" on their bodies as holy oil.

People in the Middle Ages were so savage, film and television dramas could only beautify them, otherwise the audience would feel uncomfortable watching them. Killing is really not the cruelty that can be reflected in film and television dramas.

The four knights, who had come with heavily armed troops, surrounded the church, and then came in. They also negotiated with Beckett, asking him to accept arrest and go to the king, which he firmly refused. When they went out to get their weapons, Beckett was advised by the people around him to give in or run away, but he refused and went into the cathedral for vespers, just like in the movie. The killers came in armed and searched for him in the crowd, shouting "Thomas Beckett, the traitor".

He took the initiative to stand up, "What do you want from me? I am not a traitor to the king, but a priest."

"Forgive those excommunicated by you and restore their sacrament," shouted one killer.

"I won't forgive them until they repent," he replied.

"Then go to die now and accept the punishment you deserve."

"I am ready to die for my Lord so that the Church may have peace and freedom in my blood. But I forbid you in the name of Almighty God to harm anyone I am, be it a clerk or a monk."

They wanted to take him out and kill him, lest it would be too sinful to kill the bishop in the church. He hugged the pillar and refused to go, asking to be killed here. A clerk hugged him to protect him, and the clerk's arm was nearly cut off when he was hit with the first blow on his head and shoulders.

He prayed to the altar, "Lord, I give my soul into your hands." The killer slashed his head again, and he fell to the ground, still praying, "For the protection of the name of Jesus and the church, I am ready to embrace death."

The killer finally slashed at his forehead with all his strength. After the sword cut off the top of his skull and landed on the floor tile, the force was too strong, and the sparks splashed and broke directly. In fact, he can escape, there are several secret doors in the church. Even if he is arrested, Heng Er can't kill him. Heng Er has always had feelings for him. He is stubborn and will never give in.

After discovering that the four knights were gone, Heng Er hurriedly sent someone to chase them, saying not to hurt the archbishop, but the four people went in four separate ways, so the order was not conveyed in time.

Beckett said, "I love the king, but I love God more." Beckett used his death to force Heng Er to submit to the Holy See and never dared to resist.

Beckett came from an ordinary family, and his parents sent him to study in a monastery, which meant that his background meant that he was more likely to be loyal to God. He studied in a monastery for a few years, then went to grammar school in London, and went to Paris to study literature and art, and although he was not very hard at the time, he was exceptionally intelligent.

He was unusually tall, and finally grew to about 185 when he was an adult. He was very beautiful, with a broad forehead, a thin face, big eyes, fair complexion, black hair, likes to dress up, loves sports, and has a strong memory. (Isn't this the young Burton? The casting is too good)

At the age of 21, he was introduced to be the clerk of the Archbishop of Canterbury. In the following ten years, he studied the law diligently, handled things effectively, handled things in a fair and strict manner, and was very dignified. He was good at handling interpersonal relationships and won the Archbishop's trust. , at the age of 34, became vicar and deacon of Canterbury.

He had known Hengji before that, and soon became intimate with him. Since he, as the most important deputy of the archbishop, played an important role with the archbishop in obtaining the throne for Heng Er, he immediately asked him to be the finance minister and become his prime minister after he ascended the throne.

This year he was only 34 years old, quite a young prime minister, and later he was promoted to justice. He has been helping Heng Er to coordinate the relationship between the royal family and the Holy See, so Heng Er thought he could be his greatest help when he became an archbishop.

Beckett has also fought with Heng Er. He is a person who is capable of both literature and martial arts, and the performance in "Domination of the World" is basically true. It's just that Beckett's early years of study and growth in the monastery are not played in the movie, so Beckett "betrayed the king in ten minutes" is very abrupt and inexplicable. People have always asked why Beckett betrayed the king so thoroughly, what? reason.

Beckett was a low-level surname, and he kept calling himself Thomas without mentioning his surname, so one of the knights yelled at him "Thomas Beckett!" before killing him, meaning you were nothing but a pariah.

When Heng Er asked him to become an archbishop, he repeatedly refused to say that he could only be loyal to one master, either the king or God, and he could not serve two masters. To call him an archbishop would be to sever their friendship. Heng Er did not believe it and insisted on making him the archbishop. This was the beginning of the tragedy.

Beckett is a particularly stubborn and serious person, who wants to be the best in everything, a perfectionist, so it is the same as being an archbishop, refusing to be accommodating to the king.

Henry's hatred of Beckett stemmed both logically and psychologically from the feelings he once had for him, but their relationship had always been unequal, and he often accused Beckett of being ungrateful. "Aren't you the son of one of my servants? Why give you so much favor, so much evidence of my love for you, as everyone knows, has been wiped from your mind, that you are now not only disrespectful, but hindering me everything of?"

Beckett's resistance to the king may also have been out of self-esteem and unwillingness to submit. He was regarded as the king's favorite and now betrayed the king. The knight who finally assassinated him also shouted that he was a traitor, and the day after his death They also came to hang his body like a traitor.

Heng Er is a cunning and cunning gangster (O'Toole's interpretation of this point is perfect), since he once used dirty means to deal with Beckett, framed him, tried him, forced Beckett to escape, and lived in exile in France for six years. As can be seen. But the only person Heng Er has ever loved in his life is Beckett, so he always hated Beckett's betrayal of him.

But Beckett's soul blessed him. Three years after Beckett's death, after he suffered a rebellion by his wife and son united with the King of Scotland, he went to Beckett's coffin to confess his sins overnight. The rebellion took a big turn the next day. It will calm down soon. The four assassins died one after another within a few years of their exile, and the epitaph was inscribed with their murder of Beckett.

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Becket quotes

  • Thomas a Becket: Lord Gilbert, Baron of England by the grace of his majesty, King Henry II, seized upon the person of a priest of the Holy Church and unlawfully did hold him in custody. Furthermore, in the presence of Lord Gilbert, and by his command, his men seized upon this priest when he tried to escape and put him to death. This is the sin of murder and sacrilege. In that Lord Gilbert has rendered no act of contrition or repentance, and is at the moment, at liberty in the land, we do, here and now, separate him from the precious body and blood of Christ, and from the society of all Christians. We exclude him from our Holy Mother Church and all her sacraments, in heaven, or on Earth. We declare him excommunicate and anathema. We cast him into the outer darkness. We judge him damned with the devil and his fallen angels and all the reprobate, to eternal fire and everlasting pain!

    [slams candle to the ground]

    Monks: [chanting] So be it.

  • Brother John: I don't mind if I am just a grain of sand in a machine. Because I know by putting more and more grains of sand in a machine, one day it'll come grinding to a stop.

    Thomas a Becket: And on that day - what then?

    Brother John: Well, we'll have a fine, new, well-oiled machine in the place of the old one. And this time we'll put the Normans into it instead. That's what justice means, doesn't it?

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