Bai Zuo's brainwashing skills

Watson 2022-12-14 23:16:42

Bai Zuo's propaganda is really a spring breeze and rain, and it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!


be nice~

Here comes the climax:

Excuse me, why is the United States the greatest country in the world?

Hehe, anti-Americanism is the main theme of fake news in the United States. This is simply a question to send points!

The ace anchor Will, who has been half-dead for a long time, was instantly enthusiastic and denounced the depravity of the United States:

“Out of 207 countries in the world, the U.S. ranks 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 178th in infant mortality, and 49th in life expectancy. There are only three numbers that we rank first, 10% of prison inmates. The percentage of the adult population, the total number of adults who believe in the existence of angels, and the armament budget, which is a combination of the last 26 countries, 25 of which are our allies. We are living in the worst and most tragic era in American history.”

Even rude to the girl who asked the question:

"You ask me what made this greatest country, I don't know what the hell you're doing! You just go to the park?"

It is understandable that the media people admire this American drama, but even if anti-Americanism is politically correct, this passionate passage that countless audiences applauded for it also has a politically incorrect side:

An experienced ace anchor with an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars to insult a little girl who is absolutely disadvantaged in public without any culture is even less likely to happen in real life than Mars hitting the earth.

In order to increase the drama and topicality, the director superfluous, and the credibility is greatly reduced.

In terms of art alone, the characters in the play are too flat, lack subtle and complex three-dimensionality, and are of extremely low quality.

Just such a liberal spicy chicken that beats chicken blood, with a score of 9.4!

The brainwashing power of the white left is strong!

Folly of the people!

In 1922 Walter Lippmann warned:

There are far greater proportions of the masses than we think of absolutely ignorant people, who are spiritual children or savages, the natural prey of demagogues.

People, I love you, but beware!

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