American version of Mary Sue documentary

Serenity 2022-11-02 09:37:38

This drama is actually a Mary Sue drama dressed as a political drama.

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Let's serve the omnipotent heroine! At the beginning, the heroine was rendered very powerful, almost all black and white, and judged whether the client was lying by feeling, "Look at my eyes" (co-authoring, you can read minds?) As a result, I made a few mistakes at the beginning... Said to be taking the case, everyone The results of the show of hands are always based on the heroine's preference. Everyone said no, the heroine said we would do it, and then we accepted (why do we need to come out like this? Anyway, it's all based on the heroine's thoughts and feelings, other people It doesn't matter!) I'm also curious about the fact that the heroine's season finale is obviously against the law, so what happened in the end? (Ask and say that the heroine has a strong halo!)

Male protagonist, some American TV dramas like to portray the president as a particularly useless president, but this president is almost the most useless president I have ever seen. I think his script is the opposite of that of the heroine. Although there are a lot of loopholes in the characters and the plot, at least the heroine is professional and has a charisma, otherwise the people in her team will not be willing to follow her. . This male protagonist has no problem-solving ability! The so-called leadership and charisma that are rendered in the play, no! Indecisive, yes! If you want to quit your job at every turn, yes! Love brain, yes! His determination is not as high as that of his wife! To tell the truth, if it wasn't for the heroine and his wife, he would have been finished long ago! It’s okay to fall in love, but forget about being the president!

Chief of Staff, if you have the ability and scheming, isn't it bad to be the president yourself? Why follow this indecisive love brain stem? The means are too dirty, but why are people with this ability and the city government willing to follow this straw? It's outrageous!

Merry, I like her better among the characters in this show. Sober, mentally active, courageous, and know how to advance and retreat. (Of course I don't think cheating is appropriate, even though the male and female protagonists should be in true love.) The most impressive thing is that when the male protagonist wanted to resign for the first time, Meili motivated the president through Secret Service's answer. There was also a temporary adaptation of a play during the campaign to ensure the presidential election advantage. There is no hysteria about the mistress of the third heroine, although feminism is indeed morally condemned. To be honest, the male protagonist is not worthy of his wife. If it weren't for his wife, he would have been cold already.


Logic is not important, if the heroine opens up, the fun is over!

The plot is that the heroine is in charge of falling in love, talking about the big truth, and showing her strong ability, and the actual work is everyone in the team. The heroine's team is more watchable than her, and the first season is really suspenseful. Let's see how the second season will be picked up. It's cool anyway! Always need a female lead to save the field, others are not important!

In general, don't watch this drama with your head, and don't watch it as a political drama, just treat it as a Mary Sue romance drama. Later, you can look forward to the follow-up of Mei Li and the heroine team, and you can just look at the rest. Why it has such a high rating, I am puzzled! Not worth it at all!

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