Change body at anytime

Precious 2022-11-14 20:32:56

The office woman is his sister too The kid. The black crime boss. All She wanted to create a situation where she can make a powerful rich guy bring her brother back Because he's powerful. He will wanna know who killed him Every day he has a backup saved of his stack. She knows he will come back and have no memory of that day She suggests he take her brother out of prison. He was an envoy. They are good fighters and smart etc He wants to solve the murder She is but she's not powerful like him enough to have her brothers prison sentence stopped and he put in a new sleeve I think it's a cool Idea. The series. want to change body anytime ;p She is uploading to the clones. Same mind Only rich people can afford clones Others use another sleeve. Different body Poor people have nothing Yeh. Violent and gritty and realistic

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