Honey or arsenic, can sticking an Oscar label change it?

Percival 2022-03-22 09:02:02

Spiritual food, like material food, has a taste problem. What Westerners like to eat, Easterners may not like. The smorgasbord that the director brought up was not a stew in the northeast, and it was uncomfortable to eat in the stomach. There is no one person in the film who can empathize. The title of the film is not called "Karaoke Hall", it is better to call it "Promiscuity". It is also the heroine's favorite way of life, and it is more topical. Liza Minnelli looks better without makeup. With makeup on, she looks like an undeveloped monkey. It's really lying beside you. Are you sure you won't be scared? There are still people who think she is extremely beautiful. If they didn't know who she is, and if they didn't hear that this film won the Oscar, many people must call this film garbage, and the heroine is ugly, right? "The Godfather" can resonate with people's emotions and values ​​in many places. The Rembrandt-style pictures make people enjoy artistic aesthetics. Where is the resonance of this film? Can you insert your vagina to make you envy, jealous and hate?

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Cabaret quotes

  • Brian: Sally is rather knowledgeable in these areas.

    Fritz: You do what Sally says, you end up I think in prison.

  • Master of Ceremonies: Outside it is windy, but inside it is so hot, every night we have ze battle to keep the girls from taking off all their clothing. So don't go away, who knows? Tonight we may lose the battle!