I saw the shadow of unhappy love from "My King"

Chet 2022-11-02 07:53:45

It was originally clicked on by the handsome cover of the male protagonist.

I also want to distract myself and try not to think about the one-year relationship that officially ended today.

Starting from Tony's healing memories, watching the early stages of the relationship quickly immerse in sweetness, warmth, ambiguousness, kisses and hugs, and hugs when sleeping, generously pulling the other party into his circle of friends, telling his parents, to decide the relationship further, and then I don't know In hindsight, because of some changes in life, or because of the dissipation of hormones, we see that each other shows some characteristics, some are completely different from the previous days, and others are never aware of the thrilling side. I don’t remember the first time after struggling repeatedly, saying the harshest things, and doing excessive things, every moment I will be reminded that this time is definitely the last time, and I will never reconcile again. The one who sheds tears easily started from the early stage when he was wronged and cried and I couldn't bear it, and in the later stage, he sneered and watched me cry, indifferent.

The life of the epidemic is very tiring. I want to live a life with stable emotions like a horizontal line, as Tony said. It turns out that countless quarrels will wipe out the love of the lover in front of you, but the love in your heart cannot be wiped out.

Today he said he was so tired that he couldn't take it anymore and wanted to break up.

After watching this movie, the stamina is great.

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My King quotes

  • Solal: My thing in life is making myself happy. So, I do nothing. That's when I'm happiest.

  • Marie-Antoinette Jézéquel, dite Tony: I don't know you, in fact. We don't know each other.