"The First Dream": Applaud the self standing on the peak, and accept the self who has fallen into the trough

Christy 2022-09-25 03:22:19


Life is long, we are looking for our own journey and future in a world full of hustle and bustle, passing through countless large and small crossroads, we are urged by the world to make choices, disturbed by various noisy sounds in the environment, and have long forgotten our own. Original aspirations and dreams, in the end, can only be carried forward by the world.

We work hard to become what others like, try our best to meet the standards set by the world for success, and move forward in the direction of success with all our strength, thinking that if we pay enough and work hard, we will achieve the so-called success.

We imagine what will happen after success, but forget, if we fail, what should we do?

In the movie "The First Dream", the child who failed the college entrance examination chose to jump off the building and end his life.


The boy in the movie studies hard and hopes to be admitted to the university of his choice. What makes him even more anxious is that his parents are both top students from prestigious schools, excellent and successful in their careers. If he cannot succeed, he will be labeled as a loser. Label.

The story begins when he anxiously waits for the test results, but the results are not satisfactory and he is not accepted to the university, so he jumps off the building in the obsession that he will be labeled a loser. After rescue, he temporarily saves his life, but he does not have the will to survive.

In order to awaken his son's will to survive, the father found his old friend and told his son how they, who had been labeled as losers, tried their best to compete for the championship.

The whole story is witty and funny, and although they didn't succeed in the end, they enjoyed the challenge immensely.

The story is simple, but its idea is thought-provoking. How to deal with success and failure is not only a compulsory course for children, but also a compulsory course for adults.


"We are only ready to celebrate success for our children, but not to give them the ability to face failure." This sentence in the movie has been echoing in my ears, maybe learning to face failure is more important than chasing the so-called success.

The road to growth will not always be smooth and smooth. There will be peaks and canyons, swamp traps, thorns and jungles, and there will be no shortage of violent storms. Every step may be difficult and painful, but as long as you persevere and persevere, it may be possible. You will get the results you want, or you may not get it, at least you have tried.

We are all afraid of failure, but what is even more terrible is that we are content with failure and do not even make efforts to change the status quo of failure, even a little bit.

Compared with success, failure is the norm in life. If you don't get into a good university, you don't find a good job, you don't get together with the person you love the most, and no matter what you do, you have the mark of failure, and then you can deny the meaning of life. Yet? Can it be concluded that this is a failed life?


Everyone should have a meaning based on their own level of life. Some people have to do their best just to live, some people run around the car all day, some people are entangled in their own development, and some people have the ability to choose their dreams, so everyone has The resources are different, and these are caused by the different background and education level.

Isn't that life that has tried its best to survive? It's not necessarily that in the environment in which that life is located, he has done all the efforts he can, and for him this is success.

Speaking of which, the father and his friends in the movie have been admitted to the best schools in India, and their future life will not be too bad, and they are called "losers" because they live in the sports league. It's Building 4 at the bottom, so they're not labeled as true losers.

It's like the CEO of Wanda said to earn 100 million yuan first, and the ordinary people said to earn 100 million yuan. The meaning of the two and the effort to be put in cannot be measured on the same scale.

This is also the flaw of the film, its presentation of failure is superficial, and the failure faced by father and son is not failure in the same sense.

However, the sublimation at the end increases the level of the theme, and does not excessively measure the value of life with success or failure. Any effort is worthy of being affirmed by yourself, and you are the one who determines your own value.

Along the way, we applaud ourselves at the peak, and accept ourselves at the trough.

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