If you can't control yourself, you can only let others control you

Bailee 2022-08-21 01:01:16

I finally watched this documentary that I wanted to watch for a long time. It basically answered and confirmed some of my doubts and conjectures when I was in a state of gluttony. Overcoming the addiction to sugar is really not as easy as you think, especially in the current diet market. In my opinion, boiling frogs in warm water is often more terrible than a crit.

From my own experience, before high school, when I was not addicted to sugar or had cravings, I did the most things and achieved the most goals, and was the most energetic. After being addicted to sugar, every time I eat a binge, I feel a sense of satisfaction, it makes me feel like I don't have to do anything. When this satisfaction disappears, I quickly feel a sense of loss, which makes me feel like I have nothing to do. Blame me for not accomplishing anything, followed by a gluttony meal, and so on. This vicious cycle has really tormented me for nearly two or three years.

I forgot where I saw a paragraph, probably saying that the satisfied emotions we get after binge eating should not be given by these foods, but should be given by love and your efforts (?), anyway, this is almost the same mean.

Everything that is addictive seems to eventually become a means of human profit, you can't control yourself, you can only let others control you.

So, really, I told the black angel in my brain aloud, do more things that will give you real satisfaction! Eat more vegetables, not sweet food is delicious food!

Although I don't expect a documentary to change me much or even a little bit, it's good to scare me like this occasionally.

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