Required course in life

Aurelia 2022-10-20 08:41:18

Really glad I decided at the last minute to see such a movie. There are very few people in the cinema, and they are very engaged in watching. I think if I hadn't seen the spoiler before, I should have been more touched when I saw the basketball that I didn't make. After all, we are used to seeing the protagonist's victory in the nick of time, telling us that there must be a certain amount of effort. Payback, even more so in the movie.

But it has to do the opposite. In the close-up and slow motion, the basketball hits the basket, bounces a few times, and finally falls outside the frame. The much-anticipated counterattack did not happen, and they lost the most important game.

This is also what this movie wants to tell us most - failure may be the main theme of life rather than success. We also need to know how to deal with failure. We have been brainwashed by success education since childhood, and countless people have come forward to tell you what you need to do to be successful, and what you can achieve if you succeed.

But no one tells us how to face failure, other than to accept the disappointment of ourselves and others.

So the male protagonist hopes that time can be reversed, and he can tell his son before he chooses to jump off the building because of his failure in the college entrance examination: Even if we do not achieve the desired result, as long as we go all out, it will not be a failure, because you gain in the process. much more than the result. Moreover, now it seems that he has a successful career, and his friends were also called losers, and they did not get the desired results after trying their best.

That's why the mummy man in the film will call his child immediately after listening to tell him that he used to promise to buy him a bicycle if he got an A+ in the test, but now he will give him a B or a C. Buy, as long as he really tried.

We are not losers, we are fighters. Fighting is more important than winning.

Just like the story shown by the director, it is more about how they struggled in the process, trying to find a way to get closer to their goals. Although they did not win the nominal championship in the end, they had already achieved their "first dream" ——Won the respect of the opponent, and no one called them loser anymore. For themselves, perhaps it was because of such a game that their lives were changed, because they beat themselves.

I still remember when there was no progress in the game, the male protagonist stood up and said that he felt that the reason why they did not go all out in the game was because they did not bet on the most important thing they could not lose, some people were drinking, some were cigarettes, some were women. Friends, some are sex, some are swearing, and some are a daily phone call with mom. All kinds of strange but they all play an important role in their lives.

I see this most touching, because most people often do not have the courage and determination to break the boat. What people lack today is a compromise, no, it is a willingness to go all out for something more important.

And, are those things that you think are important really indispensable, or is it just a disguised dependency? We become stronger and freer when we are determined to let go of such dependence. Whether it's tobacco, alcohol or habits, or even their reputation for fighting to the death at the expense of them.

I think the male protagonist's children finally understood this truth, because when he asked them if they didn't get the "champion" that was so important to them, if anyone wanted to die, no one in the room thought so. Finally, he can also let go of his "failure".

It turns out that the success of the results is not the whole point.

It turns out that living without dependence on anything is freedom.

It turns out that success and consummation are not life, but experience and feeling.

In the last scene, the male protagonist's son was admitted to the university the following year. On the day of the report, there was also a tugging boy who came to him and said, at first glance, you can only study, do you want to have some fun? Like what his father had been through thirty years earlier.

The boy turned his head, as if he saw his father and his friends waving to him when he was young.

Time keeps moving forward, and life goes round and round.

The end is a familiar singing and dancing carnival. Every time I watch an Indian film, if there is no singing and dancing at the end, I will feel that something is missing. The film has two narrative lines, past and present, with flashbacks at the beginning and interludes in the middle, which is a test of editing and shooting techniques. The director is the director of the popular Indian film "Wrestling Dad" last year. I personally feel that this film is more meaningful to modern society and family education than Wrestling Dad, but it is far less popular. I don't know if it is like chicken soup. The title is delayed...

Some people also compare it to the classic Indian film "Three Silly", I think even though its influence and plot integrity are not as good as "Three Silly", it does capture one of the more and more introverted times now. Big pain point. Although we always ridicule Indian films for being earthy and "god", films made by others that reflect social reality are also unequivocal.

I'm tired, just write here

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