Every life has a meaning

Emile 2022-03-24 09:03:32

"We were born to witness and listen to the world with our own eyes. So, even if we don't become anything, we, in us, have the meaning of living."

"Manager, what will the spring be like in the future? Maybe it will make the owner more unhappy? When I cook the red bean filling, I will listen carefully to the whispers of the red beans, just imagine the rainy days and sunny days that the red beans experience, and then What kind of wind brought the red beans here? I will listen to the stories of their journeys one by one, yes, listen carefully. Because I believe that there are things in the world that can speak. So if I listen carefully, even the illuminating The sun and the wind will talk to you. Maybe it is because of this, whenever the wind whizzes by in the evening, rolling up the leaves and forming a wall, I feel as if it is saying: 'Go and talk to me. Say hello to the store manager. Store manager, although I live with the mentality that one day is less than one day, I am sometimes overwhelmed by the persecution of this world, so I have to use wisdom to live from time to time. I feel that I have to tell you, I always thought that you, the store manager, will be able to make dorayaki that can express your own ideas sooner or later, so please go on the path you choose. If the store manager, you can definitely did it."

Like every close-up and empty mirror, the beauty of food, the beauty of nature is incisively and vividly.

I think the best acting skills are no acting skills. In the whole play, I can't feel that any actor has "acting skills", and every look and movement is so real and natural, as if to feel this ordinary but shining encounter on the side.

This is an encounter of three generations. At every stage of life, there will be different perceptions, but the most regrettable thing is often that when I was young, I was unhappy, I felt that fate was unfair, and I kept competing with myself. When finally one day we When you start to let go of everything and know how to cherish it, you have often lost the most precious time.

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.