Guess what this movie is trying to tell you?

Jevon 2022-09-17 14:56:35

1. Don't brag, don't black, the routine is not bad, but the movie is useless; what is routine? The things that can sum up the rules and can be used in more than one (as many as possible) films are also things that the audience can guess the plot direction by feeling.

Some routines are established by convention, and some routines are given by the director. "Inheritance and transformation" is a convention. "Last second rescue" is a convention. Using the same or similar actions and lines to maintain the consistency of the same character at different ages is given by the director of this film. For example, in a pinch, Ah Jiu will play chess. Because there is a big gap between the characters in the college period and middle-aged period, in order to help the audience quickly identify the characters and establish correlation.

Why do you say the film doesn't work well? Because it is a routine, the advantage is that it is convenient for the audience to establish contact and help the audience to watch the movie; the disadvantage is that the audience will feel fatigued if they use it too much. In the film, it is not only Ah Jiu, but all the characters in the college and middle age are connected through this method. When the audience sees Ah Jiu (the treatment), they are novel; when they see Ah Xing, they accept it; when they see Ah Suan, they can endure it; when they see Ma Bao, they get bored. And the director is very lazy, and the transformation of the two narrative lines of the present and the past also uses the same method "from beginning to end".

"Last second rescue", tried and tested. The last ball, into the basket? You know it won't go in, but you still get nervous.

2. Two narrative lines are unnecessary. Complementing each other, infiltrating each other, and complementing each other, the two narrative lines are both effective and meaningful.

There are two narrative lines in this film: The first one: The son chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building because he was afraid of becoming a loser. The father told the story to save his son. Article 2: Father grew up from loser to winner.

Without the first narrative line, the second is also complete. Then this film will become "a youth inspirational film from a loser to a winner". The first narrative line has no meaning other than its reluctance to "draw out my father's youth", to divide paragraphs, and to adjust the rhythm. Oh, no, there are negative meanings that reinforce the didactic nature of the film. Assuming that the first narrative line is removed, the second narrative line will also be complete, with clear paragraphs and neat rhythm, and it is almost the same as the paragraph division and rhythm processing when the first narrative line exists.

3. The male characters are very vivid, and the only female is a bit tasteless. Characters can be bad, but not bad; characters can be bad, but not all bad; characters can be bad, but bad enough to be reasonable and well-founded. To put it bluntly, the characters are full and three-dimensional, which can make the audience emotional. If the movie is over and the audience can still recall details about the character, that character barely made it through.

6 male characters, whether they are black-faced, like smoking, drinking, swearing, sex, or Ma Bao, these are not "bad" that make the audience extremely annoying, and they are all kind, hard-working, youthful, but appear to be Those "bad" are kind of "cute". The characters are full of personality. In comparison, the protagonist is a little bland.

The only female character is not too much ink. The "divorced" status has nothing to do with his son's jumping off the building, the school girl's daily life has nothing to do with himself saying that he is a loser, the "wife" status has nothing to do with the male protagonist's reflection on his own mistakes, and the young male protagonist's hard work has nothing to do with it. The "girlfriend" status of the relationship. This female character has nothing to promote the direction of the story. Even if you remove her, you won't feel that there is anything missing in "Youth Inspirational Stories of 6 Male Characters".

Finally, what is the film saying? → How to face failure

I worked hard, worked harder than everyone else, but I still failed in the end, what should I do?

There are several ways to deal with it: [Please make appropriate efforts] [Please lower the standard of success] [Please raise the threshold of failure] [Please accept the reality of "I am just a mediocre ordinary person"]

However, the following approach is a trap↓

If, [please give up your efforts], then, [please don't doubt, he either treats you as a fool or a fool], after all, [all chicken soup that makes you give up your efforts is poisonous chicken soup] Lying flat is also achieved through hard work. ~ Don't act like you can "flat" just by "lying"~

If a film wants to make money, it has to be fun; if a film wants to make money, it has to be sensational; if a film wants to make money, it has to be popular with the public; but making money is still very difficult~

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