Northanger Abbey

Lesly 2022-09-09 02:56:28

The film tells the story of a naive girl named Catherine, limited by a closed family environment, she wanders in the world of novels all day long to add luster to her ordinary life. Under the guidance of her wealthy friends, Catherine entered the social circle of the upper class, and she finally saw the real world of flowers, among which there are many hypocritical and cunning people such as the Thorpe brothers and sisters and General Tierney, as well as the best friend Ellie who is worthy of life. No... They will also be greeted by the trials and tribulations that Austin's hero and heroine are bound to go through.

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Northanger Abbey quotes

  • [Riding in the curricle, Henry and Catherine see the first view of Northanger Abbey]

    Henry Tilney: There.

    Catherine Morland: It's exactly as I imagined. It's just like what we read about.

    Henry Tilney: Are you prepared to encounter all of its horrors?

    Catherine Morland: Horrors? Is Northanger haunted, then?

    Henry Tilney: That's just the least of it. Dungeons, and sliding panels; skeletons; strange, unearthly cries in the night that pierce your very soul!

    Catherine Morland: [sardonically] Any vampires? Don't say vampires. I could bear anything, but not vampires.

    Henry Tilney: [laughing] Miss Morland, I believe you are teasing me now.


    Henry Tilney: I have to say, there is a kind of vampirism. No, let's just say that all houses have their secrets, and Northanger is no exception.

  • Isabella Thorpe: My dear one, in this false world, people often make promises they have little intention of keeping. Remember, we are your *true* friends.