Crazy in the end does not redeem

Shemar 2022-03-21 09:01:56

The musical I watched first, I thought in the first half of it that American school sparrows like "Jian Girl" were going to revolutionize, but it turned out to be a "My Wife Yuno"-style black mad love. I read the introduction at station B and knew it was a movie Adapted, just searched it casually, and then arrived in seconds by the poster

For the fans of this CP, I really like this poster

film soon

When I saw half of it, I thought that the movie was not as exciting as the musical (I wouldn't say that musicals have all of them? The movie actually doesn't have any), but after watching it, I felt that the musical failed to adapt the essence of the movie (of course, it may be for the sake of market beautification) )

The whole story has the temperament of a black and absurd movie. This kind of movie is the most difficult to make well. It is exquisite. It looks extremely crazy and absurd on the outside, but it is logical and reasonable on the inside. The balance of scale is difficult.

This story goes from the plot (two small and high school students in a row were not found), to the picture (retro atmosphere, multi-color and high saturation, using colors to represent characters, a character only wears one color), to BGM (especially It is the soundtrack of several funerals), all with a little "cult" style, which makes the black absurdity of the whole movie form a unified temperament, so just dictating the story will feel "middle two", "blow myth" and "unreasonable." ”, but the whole movie has a kind of “self-consistency” of self-formation

Although the whole story takes place in a high school in a small town, the intrigue in it is like a dark fairy tale, alluding to the world of adults, the crushing of the weak by the strong, the distortion of public opinion to the truth, the fall of the old king and the rise of the new king.

as JD said

Let's talk about the heroine

Winona is so amazing! ! !

Screenshot of Benyan Dog Really

I don't think the musical adaptation of V's previous plot is unreasonable. The movie's V was a member of the little sister's group from the beginning. She never counseled Heather, and even complained about her recklessly. It can be seen that although Heather once mentioned "I raised you", but I don't think V was the kind of "bottom character" or "edge character" before, she should be a hit girl herself, and then gradually absorbed into Heather's Small group, so there is no special inferiority complex.

This also has a reasonable logic for the latter V being bewitched by JD and going crazy. She herself is a bit of a little girl who knows nothing about the sky and the earth, so she accompanied JD to "prank" later, and dared to confront JD in the back, and even got the upper hand. .

Let's talk about the boss

The male protagonist is actually average, even a little strange, but he grasps the madness under the calm surface of JD and the paranoid temperament of a gentleman too well, with a kind of elegance and cruelty like a vampire noble.

The essence of JD is an anti-social madman. He has knowledge and cultivation, and even has a sacred "moral view". He is like a crusade defender who uses cruel means to defend the "justice" he insists on. In fact, he is a very complicated character. He has childhood tragedies and family tragedies. His mother has influenced his pessimism, and his father has influenced his way of life. His madness is more like a martyr who has seen through the rules of this society. , to do some crazy actions to vent his sadness and despair-because he knew that in the end, it was all the cockroaches shaking the tree, and it was of no avail.

Speaking of V and JD's love

This knock CP dog must chat about the emotional line.

At the end of the musical, JD was suddenly influenced by V, and immediately believed in "love and peace", and then sacrificed himself for the great love. Actually, I was very confused, but because it was a drama, I endured it.

The ending of the movie version is much smoother. V and JD are hard all the way, two handsome men and beauties fight each other, both of them are full of embarrassment

don't care about appearance

It is undeniable that although JD is crazy, he is really in love with V. He has always wanted V to be by his side.

The beginning is really sweet!

I don't think JD's last suicide was about "thinking about it" or "sublimating", but V's sentence "My wish is for a boy like you to leave my life", his thinking is super paranoid and super extreme, he believes that As long as he likes V, he is willing to do everything he thinks is good for V, and even let himself leave her world forever in order to follow V's will

In JD's worldview, there is only V, everyone else is ants, it doesn't matter at all, he will not sacrifice himself to save the school, he only pays attention to V's wishes

It is because of his own tragedy that JD cares too much about V and has an excessive possession and control over V, which also leads to the breakdown of their relationship

He is mostly possessive and aggressive towards V

I like the ending

After JD left, V lit a cigarette with the explosive flame, and then walked into the school against the panicked crowd, just like the protagonist in a Western movie, after the incident, he was hiding and famous, chatting and laughing with others.

The clip at the end has the freedom and charm of a Western movie.

The page-turning of crazy events, the disappointment of past adolescence, and the bitterness of losing a lover all turned into a melodious emotional ending, with an oriental subtlety and complexity, all without words but in silence.

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Heathers quotes

  • Heather Duke: Veronica, you look like hell.

    Veronica Sawyer: Yeah? I just got back.

  • Pauline Fleming: Whether to kill yourself or not is one of the most important decisions a teenager can make.

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