The battle for environmental protection, grassroots slaying the dragon

Evangeline 2022-03-24 09:02:44

An environmental film, a film about a lawyer challenging an industry giant, the whole film does not have the high-spirited fighting spirit of the grass-roots challenging the dragon. The plot based on real events shows the struggle of this lawyer and his family. In fact, it is an ordinary person who is trying to support his family. , even the tone and soundtrack are muffled. A lawyer named Rob was entrusted by a farmer who knew his grandmother to investigate the farm that was used as a landfill by the DuPont Company. From the photos in the hands of the grandmother, we can know that the farm was full of greenery, and the camera followed Luo Bo moved to the farm: like a cemetery, with no livelihood, bare trees, bare land, and even the stones in the water were bleached by chemicals. After witnessing a farmer kill a chemically belligerent cow, a lawyer decides to investigate, and has the support of his boss. After a protracted search for evidence and investigation of copywriting, it shows that DuPont is using unresolved c-8 that is not regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency and is harmful to organisms. The important component of this compound, Teflon, is widely used and has long been left in the organism. . DuPont merely offered to mediate compensation with the farmer. The farmer refused, and the lawyer, recognizing the dangers of DuPont's use of the hazardous compound, decided to continue the investigation, from a DuPont legal counsel to the opposite of the former funder, who was diagnosed with cancer at this time. The Tenon case lasted for more than ten years. The government formed a neutral scientific team to extensively investigate the health status of residents in several major areas. It was finally confirmed that the c_8 used by DuPont was related to six major human diseases. financial compensation. The lines of some of the professional knowledge in this film are very refined, as if they are doing the reading questions of English I for the postgraduate entrance examination. The language of the shots is subtle, and the four long shots of the lawyer's window express the changes in the lawyer's mood. The director took DuPont's personal threat to the lawyer very implicitly, and only through the underground parking lot the lawyer got into the car and drove a few actions. FINAL SUBTITLE: EARTH IS EVERY LIFE HAVE COMPOUNDS IN ALL ORGANIZATIONS AND BOUGHT, THE BOOK WITH A FACE DEFECT, SHOPPING WITH A SHOPPING SHOCK, THIS BOY AND MANY LIFE WITH CANCER DIDN'T BE THAT DIDN'T BE FOR THE CHEMICAL good. However, some products of the chemical industry are still harming the life of the earth.

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Dark Waters quotes

  • Robert Bilott: The system is rigged. They want us to believe that it'll protect us, but that's a lie. We protect us. We do. Nobody else. Not the companies, not the scientists, not the government. Us.

  • Teddy Bilott (3-5): What's a hooker?

    Sarah Barlage Bilott: Where did you learn that?

    Teddy Bilott (3-5): He told me that Mary Magdalene was a hooker.

    Charlie Bilott (11-12): What? She was.

    Teddy Bilott (3-5): You're supposed to say prostitute.