The story takes place in a beauty salon in Lebanon and revolves around the daily lives of five women. Layari, Nisri, and Rema work at the same salon, with Jammel a regular visitor, while Rose, a seamstress near the salon, lives with her elderly, demented sister Lily. They are of different ages, different personalities, and different life experiences. They have their own unique stories. Layari is in trouble when he falls in love with a married man and has to deal with his unknowing wife; Nisri decides to go to the hospital for a hymen repair as her wedding approaches; Rama is a lesbian Beautiful customers are quite fond of; Jammel, who was once an actor, can't accept her aging day by day; and the old Rose gives up love because she has to take care of her sister. The stories are intertwined, like caramel, both sweet and lingering, but also slightly bitter...
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