Laborer's Elegy

Rogelio 2022-03-22 09:02:39

In the United States, an inspirational man from a red-necked family wrote a book "The Elegy of the Countryman", and this film is the Elegy of the British laborers.

In the UK, the male protagonist is a self-employed driver. On the Chinese food delivery platform, the delivery boy is registered as a self-employed business. , are trapped in the so-called system. The male protagonist obviously bought the truck himself, but it seems that the right to use it is not in his hands at all. He can't even let his daughter ride in his car during working hours. He has no time to ask for leave, and is sent around by a small black box every day. .

The male protagonist's voice is always exhausted, and the conversation with his family when he returns home is trivial and exhausting. In fact, it is the same as the scenes in the family dramas that we Chinese watch ourselves. . The wife is a hard-working carer, rushing to different clients' homes every day, like a worker bee that can't rest, and the status quo of the aging of the UK is also shocking, thinking that I may have to face the same in a few decades. I feel a chill down my spine. Not only the male protagonist and his wife are tired, but their children also live in confusion and pain every day. The adolescent son is cynical and can only indulge in street graffiti every day, because he can't see where his future is going, even if he is admitted to university, He also has to work for a university loan, and his classmates have to go to work in a foreign country because of the injury of their original family and campus bullying. The daughter is smart and sensible, but she also helps her father to deliver goods and work, trying her best to use her own warmth to soothe the family's scars. The family rented in a cramped house. The husband and wife sighed in bed about the difficulty of life, as if they were sinking deeper and deeper into quicksand. They used to be the so-called middle class. They had a house and a car through loans, but in 2008 A financial crisis brought them back to their original shape.

Obviously this family is very hard-working and not stupid, but why is it so difficult to live, and their motherland is also a so-called developed country, why can't I see the dignity of their lives. One of my wife's female clients, she speaks eloquently, clearly, and her voice is firm and wise. She used to be a labor movement activist, and it was the Cold War era, there was the Soviet Union, there were so many The proletarian power of the capitalist countries forced the capitalist countries to improve the conditions of the workers. When the Cold War ended and the Soviet Union collapsed, these workers also fell back into the abyss. It is obvious that less than 100 years ago, the labor movement was surging with such amazing power, but why does it feel that today's so-called demonstrations in Europe and the United States cannot see the shadow of the working class, and the slogans are all for some so-called political correctness? Workers in Europe and the United States are anti-immigration, anti-globalization, and even anti-China. They elected a populist Trump, and the people at the bottom peck at each other and hurt each other. The projection of this into the family is mutual accusations and complaints. When the male protagonist couldn't help beating his son, the wife accused him of being her own bastard father, but I believe that the wife's father was also a hard-working worker who supported the family back then, but it was also because of the pressures of life that he turned him into a jerk. He became a violent man, and the tragedy unfolded in the family from generation to generation, and no one could break free. When the male protagonist finally drove to work with his injuries in the cries of his family, no one knew where his road was, and no one knew whether he would really suffer misfortune on the road as his family feared. , but it seems that no matter which road is a dead end, even if you grit your teeth and bleed to crawl, you have to move forward.

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Sorry We Missed You quotes

  • Abbie Turner: This is my family, and I'm telling you now, nobody messes with my family.

  • Ricky: I don't know what's got into you, I really don't. You're a smart kid just like Liza. You used to be in all the top sets. What is going on? Just give yourself some choices mate.

    Abbie Turner: Seb?

    Seb: Hmm-mm?

    Abbie Turner: We've talked about this. You could go to uni.

    Seb: Go to uni? What, and be like Harpoon's brother? £57 grand in debt and what? Working in a call centre now, getting smashed every weekend just to forget his problems. Of course.

    Ricky: Yeah, but it doesn't have to be like that does it? There's some good jobs out there.

    Seb: Good jobs? What good jobs?

    Ricky: Well there is if you just knuckle down. Give yourself some options. Otherwise you're just going to end up like...

    Seb: What, like you?

    Ricky: Oh fucking nice!

    Abbie Turner: Seb...

    Seb: Do you really think I want that? Really?

    Ricky: Yeah...

    Seb: Well yeah of course I do don't I? I want to be like you.

    Ricky: Yeah, going from shit job to shit job, working 14 hours a day, having to put up with everyone else's shit. Going from one shit job to another shit job. You're just going to end up a skivvy.

    Seb: A skivvy? It's your choice to be a skivvy isn't it? A skivvy doesn't come to, you, you go to it - right?

    Ricky: I'm doing my best Seb.

    Seb: Maybe your best isn't good enough, is it?