Respect Life

Ludie 2022-03-21 09:02:16

The first time I saw the film "Vertical Limit" was many years ago. As a disaster film, it is undoubtedly a success to keep the audience's heart hanging like a roller coaster. If you can add an ethical theme, it will be even more impressive. This film does a good job. At these two points, "Vertical Limit" can be used as a template for future films of the same theme as a reference.

Like many disaster films, the film also tells the story of rescue, but this time the main scene was changed to the Himalayas, and the protagonist became a mountaineer. The film begins with Peter's father cutting the rope in order to save him and his sister and falling off a cliff to his death. Three years later, Peter, who has become a photographer for National Geographic magazine, has no longer been engaged in mountaineering work, and his sister Annie has always blamed her brother for what she did at that time, and she always misses her father. It leads to the question of how people choose to respect life in the face of crisis.

In the film, the choice of life appears all the time. Is it worth it for 6 people to go to high altitudes with extremely explosive nitroglycerin to rescue 3 people who have little hope of surviving? One of the trapped three killed a teammate with pulmonary edema to save resources. Is this extreme approach correct? At the end of the film, the father's former comrade-in-arms cut the rope again without hesitation to save the siblings and let them understand what it means to respect life. At the moment of life and death, taking the initiative to sacrifice one person is respect for the rescued, while sacrificing others against their will when there is a glimmer of hope is a blasphemy against life. Because of this, even if Annie asked him to give up, Peter still did not hesitate to rescue his sister, even if there was a glimmer of hope, he would not give up as long as Annie was alive. This is the attitude of respect for life. At the end of the film, Peter untied the knot that had been in his heart for many years. After passing the death threat, Annie forgave her brother Peter's action to cut the rope at his father's decision.

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Vertical Limit quotes

  • Skip: How about it Mal? You and Cyril have been up there before.

    Malcolm Bench: No. I mean why would we want to leave this place?

    Cyril Bench: Luxurious accomodation. Fine cuisine.

    Malcolm Bench: Sultry weather. Frostbite's off my dick.

    Cyril Bench: I reckon we should wait until they chuck in a ski lift.

    Malcolm Bench: Good idea. Imagine coming to the Himalayas and actually having to do some climbing. Especially when you have to complete your autobiography.

    Cyril Bench: And rustle up those all important endorsements. You wankers! What's bloody wrong with you?

    Cyril BenchMalcolm Bench: We're in.

  • Cyril Bench: That's a bloody great idea. Smoking next to the nitro. Although, bro and I always hoped that you'd blow us.