
Barton 2022-03-22 09:02:06

I went to see COSPLAY with Shuiyue when I was in college. I remember it very clearly. While watching those children who were still in immature makeup at the time, I heard them say: "The song of the cat's repayment is very good~", I think that is Anime can give the first impression of a good feeling.
Even now, I still feel like I like anime, both children and adults are very cute~
Although I watched it a little late, and even the Chinese version of the song was rotten, I still laughed secretly when I watched it, how similar and how dissimilar , my youth, my past~
I like the earl's voice very much, mature, stable, elegant and suave. Although it is a cat, I am afraid I will like it too, laughing~ I am
fat and evil, and my appearance Indifferent and rude, but kind-hearted, brave and fearless, while watching, I remembered those pirates and pirate mother-in-law in the city of the sky. It's still the same theme. You can't judge people by their appearance. The person who looks very vicious may end up just becoming the one who is most in your heart. A person who is willing to stand up in times of crisis~
Xiaochun finally became not only mature, but also confident, understanding what he wants and what he doesn't want, no longer illusory, no longer confused, no longer anxious about others, and anxious about the confusion in front of him, although the facts This process is very difficult, and the film is too simple and too easy to succeed, but, just to let the children understand what kind of person they should grow into, the film explains clearly, simple and lively, and the plot is up to the mark. The environment is beautiful and inviting. Of course, as for how to walk smoothly on this road in the future, I personally feel that I need to continue to guide, recognize the reality and learn to face
it. Listening to the wind になる, the love in my heart is full~

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The Cat Returns quotes

  • The Baron: If you find yourself troubled by something mysterious or a problem that's hard to solve, there's a place you can go where you always find help. You just need to look for it.

  • Haru: [Haru sits down on a lawn chair in a cafe, and a squishing/meowing noise is heard. She shrieks and jumps up] A cat... a FAT cat!