He needs a muse, a muse he will never have

Viviane 2022-10-13 03:08:46

It's been a long time since I watched Little Old Man's films. Woody Allen's films always have a romantic petty bourgeoisie. Each is very romantic and artistic. The joy of life is probably in destruction and reconstruction, escaping but facing it, straightforward but also distorted.

Our lives are made up of how we choose to distort this truth. Writing alone has calmed him, saving his life in one way or another. So, in fact, he doesn't love any woman, all he loves is the excitement and the elusive pleasure of falling in love every time.

A few days ago I read a sentence by Schopenhauer that said: Human life is a mass of desires. If the desire is not satisfied, it will be painful, and if it is satisfied, it will be boring. Life, like a pendulum, swings between pain and boredom.

Woody Allen is very courageous, after all, this is the bad factor in the hearts of most men. Whether marriage is also like a siege, it is not, because human nature is like this, no matter what choice you make, you will regret it.

The movie is really helpless and funny. Unrestrained imagination, interspersed with reality and fantasy, this talented artist's extreme handling of irony.

The story of loss of focus is the same, until one day we not only become blurred in front of others, but we can't even see ourselves clearly. The identity we seek in life, resonance and inner conflict, suddenly disappear, and it seems that it never existed. .

What we need to do is probably to walk through the long river of life and still be able to face these things calmly.

know yourself and embrace it.

Woody Allen is actually very suitable for this kind of film, he is the kind of person who is very inspired, and the description of the film is actually very similar to his own feelings about love.

He needs a burst of passion and love to inspire him,

He needs a muse all the more, a muse he will never have.

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Extended Reading

Deconstructing Harry quotes

  • Lucy: You take everyone's suffering and turn it into gold, LITERARY GOLD!

  • Harry Block: [to his brother-in-law Bert] I think you're the opposite of a paranoid. I think you go around with the insane delusion that people like you.