love - no boundaries

Sincere 2022-03-21 09:03:01

There are many gay films, but they are more focused on satisfying the audience's curiosity and lack moving stories and emotions. In this film, the relationship between various friends, classmates, parents, and lovers makes their mutual feelings more beautiful and true. When the confession I love you says, I think many people will be moved, and sincerely hope that they can be together, happy, without any scruples, like normal lovers. Their feelings are different from normal ones, but as long as they are genuine feelings, we have no reason to judge.
true love is beautiful

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  • John Dixon: Listen... if you tell anyone, it's off. If anyone even starts to suspect, it's off!

    Steven Carter: [eagerly] It's on then is it?

    John Dixon: Of course it's on. I... I like you a lot.

    Steven Carter: What about Christina?

    John Dixon: No contest, you're a better kisser!

    Steven Carter: Promise?

    John Dixon: Promise

    [Steven kisses John on the cheek]

  • Steven Carter: School full of tossers.

    Linda: Oh I bet you fancy half of them.

    Steven Carter: No way.

    Linda: Not even him? John Dixon. He's sex on legs.

    Steven Carter: [sighs] I know... Every time I see his "Head Boy" badge I wish it was an invitation!

    Linda: Sure wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating biscuits.