Who did the President? Who killed Ken. Fuck! It's a mystery. It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma! Despite the fog, Garrison bravely pursues the truth. In the final court statement, every word was eloquent. What is the future of a democracy where a President can be assassinated under conspicuously suspicious circumstances while the machinery of legal action scarely trembles? How many more political murders disguised as heart attacks, suicide, cancers, drug overdoses? , to clear the layers of fog. The war is the biggest business in America. President Kennedy was murdered by a conspiracy that was planned in advance, at the highest levels of our government and was carried out by fanatical and disciplined cold warriors in the Pentagon and CIA's covert operation apparatus. Says As to why the killing of the president is an unsolved mystery, the truth often poses a threat to power and one to fight power at great risk to themselves. Facing media bombardment, he said, ' let me ask you, is a government worth preserving when it lies to the people?' Facing the perplexity of his family and the sneering of the media, he kept going forward, and he had his beliefs and persistence. I'd say let justice be done, though the heavens fall.
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government.
History is just the prelude, the truth may be dark, but it is always worth pursuing.
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