No high-level reviews, just personal feelings

Aaliyah 2022-03-24 09:02:39

After reading it, I immediately have the urge to watch it a second time. I don't like bloody scenes very much, but I feel like I really like this story? The heroine is very beautiful, and she is the type I like. This is the work of a female director , very proud, feel amazing! After watching this film, I feel distressed. The psychological and physical changes of the heroine are very empathetic. When I saw the last scene, I felt that this father was very great, but I didn't quite agree with their family's education method. I personally think that they should tell their family's secrets earlier, and maybe find a solution earlier. Of course, the director's intention is not understandable to me and other mortals. If everyone can have such an idea, maybe the film business will get better and better. Bar

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Raw quotes

  • Justine: I wanted a female roommate

    Adrien: You got a fag, same thing to them

  • Justine: [to a dead Adrien] Why didn't you fight back?

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