"Bike Boy"

Joannie 2022-10-20 03:45:12

For three-dimensional characters, give 5 points. Deduct 2 points for the cliché myth of the Love of the Virgin. Three points. In Chinese youth and growth films, I have never seen such a three-dimensional child character. Every action a child does is not from a social perspective, but the characters themselves as the source of action, being in it and going all the way to the end. It can be seen that they attach great importance to "people". Power and morality have no deterrent in front of him, and only the emotional attachment he really pursues can call him forward. A kind of stubbornness, a kind of wanting to prove that they can. At the end, it is the love that the director brothers gave them, and also gave the society a piece of advice. When the child rises from the ground, you know it's impossible, but you hope so, the director is great, when the front is real enough, and the romance at the end is very cherished. The last ringtone is concern, true tolerance and love, and only they can wake up these children. There is a prejudice that is broken, "normal" children and "marginal" children, "normal" children are taught to avoid responsibility, but they are born with a positive image. "Edge" children are struggling to grow up, and to prove their purity, they must go through a long process and test.

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The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?