send you a rose

Pete 2022-03-23 09:03:07

"On December 20, 2010, Iran officially announced that Jafar was sentenced to 6 years in prison for endangering national security and propaganda that was not conducive to the country's image, and was not allowed to produce or direct any film for 20 years. Interviews with domestic and foreign media in any form are not allowed to leave Iran.1: A female teacher debates with a thief whether the thief should be sentenced to death. The people on the film disc recognized Jaffa and made a big deal because the director was in charge. Four: The two grandmothers had to go to Qingquan Mountain before twelve noon to release the two goldfish they caught a year ago. 5: The teacher of the little niece asked them to make a movie, be real, but not negative. They refused to report the crime Seven: The little girl asked the little boy to collect the money, but the money was not returned. Eight: The female lawyer ran around for a female college student who was arrested for attending the game. Nine: The camera was smashed and the lens was dark

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  • Nasrin Sotoudeh: They work in a way that let us to know they are watching us.Their tactics are obvious.First, they write you up a police record. Suddenly, you are accused of being an agent for Mossad, The CIA, or MI6. Then they tack on something about your morals, your lifestyle. They make your life into a prison.Although you are released from prison, but the outside world is only a bigger prison.They make your nearest friends into your worst enemies.After that you think all you can do is either leave the country or pray to return to that hole. So i think it's better to let it go.

  • Jafar Panahi: Those films are already made, those books are already written. You have to look elsewhere, you have to find it for yourself.

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