McGuffin 02: There will always be a sudden thought in my heart, the urge to do something

Derrick 2022-08-20 04:10:27

#MacGuffinfan02# Issue 02 "The Omen"

Recommended star: Samsung

Keywords: magic; puzzle; past

I wrote the first episode of the show on Wednesday, and now I'm starting a column to continue McGuffin's story. The title of this series has never been better. Suspense, murder, and spoof cannot be synonymous with Xi Fat. The most famous person of Xi Fat may be himself. McGuffin is a mystery, and he is even more of a mystery.

A man has not returned home for a long time. On his way home, his heart is full of strong omens, as if he will encounter certain events on his return home. The whole behavior is unusual and inexplicable. He does not remember the past and does not know the future.

He used to travel all over the place because of his disagreement with his father. When he comes back this time, will the relationship between the two be eased? The empty house is so familiar and yet so unfamiliar.

A little detail revealed to him the change of events. The piano that I once cherished has not been touched for a long time, and the lover I once cherished has left me.

The first appearance of the heroine, from an independent space to a completely intimate space, whether it is tension or surprise, the clasped hand confirms the change in the relationship. I want to open my arms, but I feel uneasy.

Everything is different from the past. The departure of his father and the unrepaired past make Hamlet live in the shadow of his father forever. The hero's heart that he wants to repair has become the McGuffin in his heart, so important, but nothing. So the ending, so logical, the problem is actually myself.

The lines at the end of this episode are very Shakespeare-style, and people can't help but excerpt: When the cold New England sun slowly sinks in the direction of the coroner, let us say goodbye to the mysterious and distant Sheridan Falls, when the night breeze Blowing our boat, set off from the wooded shore, let's slowly turn our eyes back to the glamorous ad.

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Alfred Hitchcock Presents quotes

  • [Hitchcock arrives for his introduction dressed in a safari outfit and pith helmet]

    Alfred Hitchcock - Host: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to darkest Hollywood. Night brings a stillness to the jungle. It is so quiet, you can hear a name drop. The savage beasts have already begun gathering at the water holes to quench their thirst. Now one should be especially alert. The vicious table-hopper is on the prowl, and the spotted back-biter may lurk behind a potted palm. To take me through this most savage of lands, I have hired a native guide.

    [He snaps his fingers. An old man joins him, wearing a billboard sign that reads, "Maps of the Movie Stars' Homes - For Sale"]

    Alfred Hitchcock - Host: He claims to know where I can find the big ones.

  • Alfred Hitchcock - Host: [introducing commercials at the end of the show] I hope you have enjoyed our program. Seeing a murder on television can help to work off one's antagonisms. And if you haven't any antagonisms, these commercials will give you some.