Detailed explanation of the formation process of evil? !

Alan 2022-03-21 09:02:22

The music is very dark and corresponds to terry's nervousness after the crime, walking on the brink of collapse.

This is the most normal Woody Allen film I've ever seen. A comedy with a lot less ingredients (finally he's not the main character?!) The color of tragedy It is very strong and heavy, but he is still telling us big truths to reveal the sinful corners of human nature as always. His

imagination is not as good as before, but his style is still obvious and an important factor in the cuteness of the film. Because of Ivan - this is the key, so I gave it four. Xinghehe, the voice of this guy, the chin haircut, and even how much his arms swing when he walks, I'm fascinated

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Cassandra's Dream quotes

  • Mother: Everybody predicted great things for Ian. He's so nice looking and personable. Now, it's a mystery to me why he's not more successful.

    Father: Because he's not content with what he has. He sees himself like Howard, with a fancy life. Always got some scheme. Always waiting for his ship to come in.

    Mother: Well, his ship won't come in at the restaurant. He does that out of a son's love for his father.

    Father: Like the poet said, "The only ship certain to come in has black sails."

  • Ian: She's innocent and also depraved. She's working class, but classy.