A little light in despair, a brutal and romantic escape, the collision of idealism and realism

Alexie 2022-03-24 09:03:46

A little bit of light in despair, someone saw this light, and they rushed towards it recklessly.

It's still a pity that there is one more boy than girl in the protagonist group, it would be nice if the number was equal.

The setting is interesting, the power hierarchy of sister, mom, grandmother is novel.

Although I may want to create a terrifying atmosphere, it's not scary at all. If I add more horror elements, maybe this manga will look a little more emotional, with a stronger style and a more aesthetic feeling. Refer to the fifth personality, a slightly terrifying art style It's quite aesthetic. Speaking of which, the fifth personality is also co-branded with this anime.

The picture production of this anime always feels that the funding is not enough (because I have seen anime that seems to be very well funded, so there is a comparison), the bgm is also average, and I wonder if it is popular in Japan.

The female protagonist is actually the first protagonist. I especially like the works where the female protagonist is the first protagonist, but the character charm and ability of the female protagonist in this anime are not as strong as those of the other two male protagonists, and their role is not as strong as the other two male protagonists. Much, being portrayed is not as impressive as the other two male protagonists, a bit disappointed. Another girl in the protagonist group doesn't have as many roles as another male supporting role.

This manga should try to make the heroine the first leader of the team, so there will be a setting like "she makes everyone want to follow". The two male protagonists don't have this setting, but they also She didn't show much of her leadership skills. If she never gave up, Norman and Ray didn't give up either. If everyone followed her, except that Ray's social skills and leadership skills seemed to be flawed, the heroine didn't show it either. With stronger social skills and leadership skills than Norman, what does the heroine rely on to make everyone want to follow?

Do you have a good relationship with everyone? By her athletic ability? Did Norman like her? (Tucao about the setting that Norman likes her, I don’t like the setting that the heroine relies on a man who likes her, and her ability is not good) But I think that to truly be a leader, you need to be in the team, and you are the least afraid The person who is the most capable of carrying things, the most reliable, the most responsible, the most able to integrate people, and the one who can employ people the most, everyone will believe you, otherwise, the two male protagonists are so capable, why should you be the leader? Just because one of the male protagonists likes you? The heroine has not shown this in my eyes. Her brilliance is not as strong as that of the two male protagonists. I hope that in the next plot, she can grow into an excellent leader.

I don't understand at all why the two male protagonists were persuaded by the female protagonist to save everyone. Maybe the heroine is the first protagonist. In the story, everyone adopts her idea of ​​"saving all people", but I don't know why everyone adopts it. It's just because everyone is a family member, so they want to save all people. Even if the risk has increased several times, will they die together?

Although this anime is said to be Wisdom Fight when it is promoted, in fact, the content of Wisdom is not as good as many Wisdom works, and there are quite a lot of bugs. I am a little disappointed to come here with the mentality of watching Wisdom, but The portrayal of characters and emotional lines is not bad, although it is not good enough to make me cry, but it is enough for me to reminisce for a short time, and the plot is constantly suspenseful and reversed, throwing out A new setting, not bad.

I like many settings, such as the setting of the world of cannibalism, monsters eat people, people eat people in another way, people are treated as food, locked up, raised with heart and eaten, and in reality we The captive domestic animals are exactly the same; the two opponents of the protagonist group have always fought against them for a long time, but at the last moment they sincerely hope that they will escape; for example, there are humans in the outside society, and these humans and monsters can actually coexist in "peaceful" , did not think about saving the children on the farm, this kind of indifference and adapting to the environment is really in line with human nature; for example, the victim becomes a member of the perpetrator, and after being harmed by the environment, he maintains the environment; for example, even in different camps It is also possible to cooperate on the surface and gain something from each other, but in fact they are jealous of each other and persecute each other; for example, the protagonists have outstanding advantages and fatal shortcomings; It's happiness she understands.

I thought that my mother also resisted desperately, and it became what she is now after she failed, but it seems that she did not resist desperately, but chose to stay after trying to escape.

I didn't understand the reason why my sister was killed. Even though my mother promised her to be a mother, she still wanted to kill her. I didn't understand it. I might have to read it for analysis.

I heard that the second season was not very well adapted, so sad, I should not watch the anime of the second season, and may or may not read the manga.

I don't think Norman died, because I didn't take a picture of his death, but just entered the room. This kind of setting in literary works generally implies that he is not dead, which is a foreshadowing.

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