The pioneers 100 years ago were playing the limit, but we are stepping on the shoulders of giants

Winifred 2022-03-23 09:03:27

I watched two silent films from more than 100 years ago for two days. This "Party Fighting Differing", which was a huge waste of money, not only ruined a film company, but also made Griffith notorious in the film circle at that time. In the end, this film can only be the peak of silent films that Griffith has tasted. The significance of the achievements of "Party and Diversity" was indeed ahead of its time, and the slow-moving plot development also invisibly set a "moving threshold". Whether it is segmented narratives, stream-of-consciousness methods, and the pioneering attempt of the cross-montage "One Minute Rescue" that has gone down in history... How to reasonably integrate these elements into a film is even a matter for today's film and television workers. pursue and explore. As a silent film without a single moving scene, in addition to using advanced editing techniques to promote the plot, 3 different color filters correspond to 4 interlaced stories, which is Griffith's most simple image expression. It is recommended that audiences who like to study world history give this film a try. Through the four stories in the film, the narration of "parties and differences" may have a new understanding of the progress of history.

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Intolerance quotes

  • Intertitle: Universal justice, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a murder for a murder.

  • Judge of the Court: To be hanged by the neck until dead, dead, dead!