The life of the people at the bottom is so difficult

Cameron 2022-03-22 09:02:39

"You're not here to work for someone else, you're here to join, you're not working for us, you're our partner. You're not driving for us, you're performing services. So there's no employment contract, no performance indicators. No base salary. , only the transportation fee. There is no fixed time to clock in, you have to have time at any time. You sign a contract with us, and you become a car owner and franchisee. "

"You're not allowed to have people in your van." "This is my van. I'm insured for my own daughter." "Yes, but the franchise belongs to us."

"My son skips classes, my daughter can't sleep at night, and my wife works very hard. I want to take a week off...Five days is fine...Three days is fine." "Everyone's home always has something going on. You Do you know why our performance can be the first? Because I make everyone satisfied. Among the people you have been to, and all the people you have met and spoken to, has anyone sincerely greeted you? If you fall asleep while driving and hit the bus, they won't catch you. All they care about is the price, delivery speed and delivery, all of which will be fed back to this small box (scanner gun), which needs to communicate with the whole country. All the other little black boxes all over the place compete, which determines whether the contract can be negotiated, who survives and who faces failure. I want to help drivers and their families get orders from Apple, Amazon, Samsung, ZARA.”

"Dad, look at your state. You can only see with one eye. Driving like this will kill you." "Son, I have to go to work, I have no choice."

Poor couples mourn for everything.

In order to buy a house and get rid of the status quo of renting a house, my father became a freight delivery driver with a high income, but he worked 14 hours a day, 6 days a week, and was a "self-employer" with no basic salary and no guarantee. Because the cost of a car provided by the company is higher, I asked my wife to sell her private car to pay for the down payment of the truck. To save time, he picked up the urine with a plastic bottle. In one case of robbery, people were beaten, goods were robbed, scanner guns were smashed, and urine was splashed on the body. Because it is self-employed, the stolen mobile phone company can take insurance claims, but the two passports of 500 pounds and the smashed scanner gun of 1,000 pounds must be compensated by themselves, and the medical expenses of the injury must be paid by themselves. Even if you lose your job and drag your injured body, you must insist on getting out of the car.

My mother is a door-to-door care worker. She also works overtime, has no basic salary, and takes care of her own transportation expenses. After selling the car, she can only take the bus. Although she treats customers with the same sincerity as her own relatives, she was scratched by an old woman during service.

Parents are too busy earning money to support their families, unable to accompany their children. As a result, the son skipped school and stole things. Fortunately, after seeing his father's hard work, the prodigal son finally turned back.

Beating children abroad is a very serious matter, and we have a saying that a dutiful son comes out of a stick.

The film is very lifelike and very real. It is so difficult for people at the bottom. They are so busy that they have no time to improve themselves to get better jobs. We have a lot of problems such as the situation of the courier brother, pension problems, and children's education problems. We also have large, well-known companies that take the form of outsourcing and self-employment to save on social security, etc.

9 points.

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Sorry We Missed You quotes

  • Abbie Turner: This is my family, and I'm telling you now, nobody messes with my family.

  • Ricky: I don't know what's got into you, I really don't. You're a smart kid just like Liza. You used to be in all the top sets. What is going on? Just give yourself some choices mate.

    Abbie Turner: Seb?

    Seb: Hmm-mm?

    Abbie Turner: We've talked about this. You could go to uni.

    Seb: Go to uni? What, and be like Harpoon's brother? £57 grand in debt and what? Working in a call centre now, getting smashed every weekend just to forget his problems. Of course.

    Ricky: Yeah, but it doesn't have to be like that does it? There's some good jobs out there.

    Seb: Good jobs? What good jobs?

    Ricky: Well there is if you just knuckle down. Give yourself some options. Otherwise you're just going to end up like...

    Seb: What, like you?

    Ricky: Oh fucking nice!

    Abbie Turner: Seb...

    Seb: Do you really think I want that? Really?

    Ricky: Yeah...

    Seb: Well yeah of course I do don't I? I want to be like you.

    Ricky: Yeah, going from shit job to shit job, working 14 hours a day, having to put up with everyone else's shit. Going from one shit job to another shit job. You're just going to end up a skivvy.

    Seb: A skivvy? It's your choice to be a skivvy isn't it? A skivvy doesn't come to, you, you go to it - right?

    Ricky: I'm doing my best Seb.

    Seb: Maybe your best isn't good enough, is it?