The beauty of life is more abundant than love

Brice 2022-03-24 09:02:37

Recently, I watched "The English Patient" and "Far From the Crowd". These two films use different expressions to interpret love, one bitter and the other sweet. Many loves in reality are lost to secular marriages, fetters or temptations, because they are not what love is, but wrong or fake. Fortunately, love won in these two films. Whether Hardy's stories are sad or happy, the English countryside scenery he describes is always beautiful and intoxicating, because the beauty of life is more abundant than love.

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Far from the Madding Crowd quotes

  • Sergeant Troy: This woman, dead as she is, is more to me than you ever were, or are, or can be. You are nothing to me now. Nothing.

  • [first lines]

    Bathsheba Everdene: [narrating] "Bathsheba Everdene." "Bathsheba." The name has always sounded strange to me. I don't like to hear it said out loud. My parents died when I was very young, so there's no one to ask where it came from. I've grown accustomed to being on my own. Some say even too accustomed. Too independent.