Why do so many people misread the ending

Yolanda 2022-09-13 12:15:53


After the Russian turntable was shot at the end, the surviving woman must be the heroine, not a replicator, nor an open ending. Many people in the comments misunderstood.

The replicators in the play come from the desires in the hearts of real people, that is, inner demons. At the end of the play, the people in the play have used their own methods to defeat the demons, all the replicators have been eliminated, and life has returned to normal. This is the original intention of the play, and the heroine is no exception.

When it comes to shooting, the two are close in thinking, and both accept the Russian turntable method. The heroine shoots first. When loading, you can see that there are 6 rounds, and only 6 shots can be fired. According to the rules, one person, one shot, no one can fire 2 shots in a row, nor can there be a second round. In the end, only the replicators will die!

There are two reasons why it is easy to misread. One is that there has been a mirror image, and the positions of the two are reversed, which can be distinguished from the color of the vest and the clothes on the side; the second is that when the fifth shot is fired, the color of the vest’s suspenders is blue (female). The main is beige), which led to confusion, making people think that the next female protagonist is beige. In fact, if you look closely, the last shot shows that the color of the vest suspenders is still blue. This can only be explained by reasons such as light or through the lens. (You can't copy people firing three shots in a row)

In the end, it was a happy ending. It should be the heroine who learned the lesson, knew her husband's preferences, put down her long hair and played the piano, changed herself and saved the marriage. Outside the house is a replica lover buried by his father.

It is unlikely that there will be a second season. Although there are still people in the volcano who want to come out, but the mystery has been solved, the number of people in the environment is limited, and the story is difficult to tell.

Every nation has its own way of telling stories. Although the rhythm is slow, the human nature is fully portrayed. A conscience drama is not a fast food. Fast-forward viewing will not be effective.

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