Pick up the scattered pieces and try to piece the heart bridge together

Reyes 2022-03-24 09:02:47

In the 1940s, the Tacoma Bridge, the third largest in the United States, collapsed.

The reason turned out to be "resonance"

Every solid has its own vibrational frequency,

Resonance occurs if the external frequency matches its own frequency

When the resonance is strong enough, the entire bridge can collapse instantly

Martha and Sean are a loving couple living in Boston, USA

Martha is pregnant in October and is about to give birth

Colleagues in the company prepared a farewell party for her and let her take a vacation at home to prepare for the birth

In the evening, Martha came to the car shop because her mother wanted to give them a car

Sean has just finished work and hastily arrived

Martha's brother-in-law has already done the paperwork for them

The mother-in-law couldn't help taunting Sean, this son-in-law really makes her look down on everything

Sean knew for a long time that his mother-in-law had a problem with him

He has no culture, he's just a construction worker

And the mother-in-law is very rich

But Sean never took his mother-in-law's cold words to heart

Because he loves his beautiful and gentle wife

Soon, he will have a beautiful and lovely daughter,

The bridge he is building is about to be completed, after the birth of his daughter

Sean will make her the first person to walk on the bridge

Everything is going in the right direction

like some pregnant women in the US

Instead of going to the hospital, Martha chose to give birth at home

Because she wants the child to decide for himself, when to come into this world.

Sean also respects his wife's wishes very much, because they agreed to be each other's companions

They made an appointment with a trusted midwife

That night, Martha felt like she was about to give birth

But when Sean dialed the phone,

The midwife who made the appointment was unable to come because another pregnant woman had a difficult labor

They can only find another new midwife

Martha's fluids burst when Eva, the midwife, came

Has started to experience contractions, nausea and other reactions

Martha was in so much pain that Sean was helpless but tried his best to appease his wife

The new midwife was also very experienced and Martha decided to trust her

With the help of Eva's guidance, Martha began her labor

At the beginning, the baby in the womb was normal,

But after two consecutive contractions, the child's heart rate has problems

If the child's heart rate does not reach the expected value next,

They have to go to the hospital for help

But Martha refused to go to the hospital,

She started to work hard again, but the situation is not optimistic

Eva told Sean to hurry up and call the hospital

and told Martha to have the baby right away

Martha endured the pain and finally gave birth to a child

The child made its first cry, and Martha took her in her arms

Sean immediately captured the exciting moment on camera

Eva also took a deep breath that it had finally settled.

However, after a few minutes, the child's body suddenly turned blue and stopped crying.

Before the ambulance arrived, this new life was out of breath.

Tragedy is like a typhoon, people have to face the mess after crossing the border

Three weeks later, Martha is back at the company

Colleagues in the company are showing strange eyes to Martha

In the supermarket, mom's friend met Martha and offered some self-righteous comfort (35:53)

Martha finds the atmosphere depressing every time her husband talks carefully (36:48)

In a no-man's corner, Masha can breathe freely

Moreover, Martha still suffers from a series of conditions that she will go through after giving birth

Her body knew she had given birth to a child, but it didn't know that the child had died

The body is still secreting oxytocin, and the mammary glands secrete milk

What makes it worse is that when Martha sees the child, she really wants to hold her in her arms.

She fell in love with eating apples because she remembered the moment she held her daughter

She smelled the faint scent of apples

A few weeks later, the results of the child's autopsy came out, the doctors told them

The only certainty is that the baby was in a state of hypoxia at the time

In 70% of similar cases, no satisfactory explanation has been found in the end

Sean could not accept such a result, he angrily accused the doctor

But Martha remained silent

After her husband leaves, Martha asks the doctor

Can I donate my daughter's organs, the doctor refused her

But said it could be used to donate to medical research

Weeks go by, mother decides to bury child in family cemetery

Martha was called over to pick a tombstone

But when they got there, Martha found

Daughter's name was misspelled because of her husband's carelessness

But Sean thinks that this is just a small detail, and there is no need to be too entangled.

Martha felt unreasonable and left angrily

Martha's change makes mother and husband anxious

Martha has gone off track,

She needs to get back to being a good daughter and a good wife soon.

Two people who have never dealt with each other in the past have now reached a consensus

Mother introduced Martha's cousin Susan, who is a lawyer, to Sean

Both of them believed that the death of the child must have something to do with the midwife

They want that midwife to be in prison

Atonement for Martha's lost child, so that everyone can be freed as soon as possible

Soon, the midwife Eva was denounced by the public, and various reports flooded in.

Sean wants Martha to accept this approach

his child's father

He can't do nothing, he wants to give the dead child an explanation and an explanation

But all this, after Sean knew that Martha was going to donate her child to medical research

it all changed

That's his child too, how could his wife ignore his wishes,

Even Martha tries to erase traces of the child's existence at home

The couple's relationship has broken down

Looking at Martha who is gradually indifferent to herself

Sean wants to get back the passion of yesterday

Although Martha cooperated with him

It's just that the two hearts have drifted apart

Sean ran to the river and burst into tears

Opposite is the bridge he is about to build.

The wish to take my daughter to the bridge together will never be fulfilled

In the days that followed, he started smoking, drinking, filling the void in his heart with other women

The long winter has come, the ice and snow, the sun can never penetrate

Martha quits her job and buys this book on plant germination to germinate apples at home

She read word by word, carefully fiddling with the apple seeds one by one

It seems that a new birth has begun

Her life seems to have returned to peace

It's just that everything has changed completely

When her sister handed her an earring, she knew that her husband had returned the car behind her back

But the earrings are not your own

Sean has found new solace in Martha's cousin

Two people tried to talk, but it always ended in lies and quarrels (1:11:05)

After the child is gone, everything is gone

Martha's belly is empty and her heart is empty

Midwife's case closes, mother calls kids over for dinner

The family has begun to slowly step out of the shadows

But Martha listened to their relaxed conversation and felt out of place.

Like a fully armed hedgehog

When Martha wanted to escape from here

The mother stopped her and she recommended Susan to Martha so that she could testify in court

They have all the evidence ready

She wants Martha to face herself, the baby's death must be some negligence

And the midwives are to blame, and they are bound to be punished by the law

Although Martha suffers,

But she resented the family's "must find a murderer for this" approach

And going to court means that Martha has to see the woman again

Open up the wounds of yesterday

She doesn't understand her mother,

Why do you have to order yourself to choose according to her wishes?

This time I didn't give birth to a child, I must have made my mother feel ashamed.

Looking at the hoarse Martha, the mother cried tears and told her

She is ashamed of herself because she is not a good mother

Teach children how to stand up and fight for themselves

Just like her mother didn't teach her

Martha's mother was a Holocaust survivor during World War II

Her father was sent to a concentration camp in the Nazi eradication of Jews in Germany

And Martha's grandmother ran into a broken house and gave birth to her mother

Hide her under the floor when you go out to steal food

Grandma's milk is very little, just enough for mother to survive

Because she can't have the strength to cry, lest she be found out

When they were finally able to go out to see the doctor, the doctor directly advised Grandma to give her up

Because it's so weak

And my grandmother insisted that the doctor would treat her

So the doctor grabbed mom's feet like a chick and lifted her up

Tell grandma that if the child can lift his head, there is still hope

So my mother raised her head desperately

Mama told Martha all I want you to do now is raise your head

Fight for yourself once, dare to face it once

Face the midwife and tell her what you've lost

Otherwise, you will live forever in the past and never let go

Afterwards, the mother helped Martha make the final break.

She hands Sean a check to let Sean leave Martha

Sean is tired of being here

A marriage comes to an end

The day Sean left, it was snowing

Sean thought about it and left the hat to Martha.

And then left without looking back

Weeks later, midwife's case goes to trial

Martha agrees to her mother and decides to appear in court

Half a year later, Martha met Eva again, and her heart was full of mixed feelings.

she was called to the witness stand

Lawyers for both parties asked Martha for details of that day.

From home birth, midwife change

Until Martha admits that she refuses to go to the hospital

These Marthas can clearly remember

But when the defendant's lawyer asked Martha what it was like to hold the child at the time

Martha was silent for a while, she couldn't remember anymore

During the adjournment, Martha went to a photo studio

Because she remembered that Sean had taken a picture of them that day

Martha seems to think that the final answer can be found in that photo

When the photos became clearer and clearer in the developer, the beauty and emotion at that time,

All at once came to Martha's mind

An angelic gift, an innocent life, lying in her arms then

This life has enormous energy, although only for a brief moment

But it is so intense to warm Martha's life

At this moment, Martha found the answer in the child - forgiveness and gratitude

Back in court, Martha told everyone

The midwife didn't intentionally hurt her daughter, she was just trying to deliver a healthy baby that night

There must have been a reason for that, but the reason was not in the courtroom

Martha looked at her mother who was watching the trial and said, if I stand here asking for compensation

That means what I lost can be compensated

But no compensation can bring the daughter back to life

She can't inflict this pain on other people

The brief moment her daughter came into the world was not for her to do so

Martha smiled at her mother, and all the past, the ice and snow melted at that moment

Winter is over, spring has come

The apple seeds that Martha once cultivated are now sprouting

She walks on the bridge that Sean had built before, and it's open to traffic now

Martha wears Sean's hat and scatters her daughter's ashes into the river

It can be regarded as fulfilling the promise that the father once made to his daughter.

When the heavy hammer of fate slammed down,

The powerful resonance of the surrounding people caused Martha's heart bridge to collapse.

Martha traveled alone on a dark, long journey

Pick up the pieces scattered all over the ground, and then try to piece the heart bridge together.

But some fragments will always be buried deep in her heart,

Like an apple seed, it takes root and sprouts out of the ground

Finally grew into a tree full of fruit

Fragments of a Woman is directed by Kenel Mudluzzo.

Film starring Vanessa Kirby, which hits theaters on January 7, 2021

The film was nominated for the Golden Lion Award at the 77th Venice Film Festival.

Actress Vanessa Kirby won the Best Actress crown.

The screenwriter and director of the film are a couple.

The movie is based on their real experience of losing a child

The screenwriter said in an interview that writing itself is a kind of healing

Through it, you can begin to understand your emotions

In life, when we encounter the unbearable weight of life, we might as well declare them in our mouths

or pinned on the nib

Say it, express it, we can better face the past, face ourselves

The movie "Women's Fragments" is a healing process

It is not so much the director and screenwriter's healing and relief of past pains

Rather, what it brings to the audience is actually an immersive spiritual journey

We have seen that when the heavy hammer of fate falls, people can only choose to grit their teeth and suffer silently

How slow and difficult this journey of redemption is

However, the more times like that, the more we have to be brave for ourselves and raise our heads

A bayberry2021.3.24

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Pieces of a Woman quotes

  • Judge: Yes, how did you feel holding your baby you had just given birth to?

    Lane: She smelled like an apple.

  • Elizabeth: [to Sean] I've always been meaning to ask you: how is it you can build a bridge, when you can't tell time?