A movie that is not easy to understand

Milo 2021-11-26 08:01:42

A film that is not easy to understand, with a loose structure, what does the director want to express? Try to write, maybe it's completely fallacy. Main line: Recorded from an objective perspective a professional Hollywood studio manager, a devout Catholic, who often confessed to the priest, and managed the shooting of several films on the set with all his heart, and dealt with all kinds of things that appeared in the process. Sudden crisis events to ensure the normal shooting of their movies. In the face of huge work pressure, wives’ complaints and the attractively high salary of the airlines, he had the idea of ​​giving up wavering, but his dialogue with the priest made him find his passion and passion for film work. courage. Sideline: Under the political background of the Cold War, how people who are in a confusion of thought seek to save the world and their own truths and beliefs. The movie uses joking methods to tell two ways: one is Soviet communism and the other is God. Guidance and structure: At the beginning, there was a scene where the studio manager confessed to the priest that he did not quit smoking as required by his wife. At the end, the same scene was arranged. This time, not only continued to confess to the priest and honor the promise of quitting smoking, but also sought work from the priest. The answer to the choice. The film uses five movies on-site shooting as a series of scenes, which not only shows the difficult and uncertain process of filming and production, but also uses the life events of several major actors in the five movies as a cross-section to present movie stars. In reality, chaotic and involuntary personal private life: there are female stars who are unmarried and pregnant, gay directors, and Western third-rate actors who rely on backstage bosses to top Hollywood. There are five movie sets in various forms, including western movies, drama movies, epic movies, song and dance movies, and music movies. Although they are fragments, the scenes, actors and schedules are all high-level, especially the song and dance performances, which are very exciting in one go. Soundtrack: A chorus of male and female voices with religious music, solemn and solemn, as if describing the long and hard way for humans to find the truth. Looking at the film reviews of other senior bean friends, I know that there are too many Hollywood history stalks buried in it, and the director’s thoughts and expressions are profound and obscure. The level of film production is a good film.

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Hail, Caesar! quotes

  • Baird Whitlock: *That's* who benefits!

  • Hobie Doyle: It's complicated.