20 Heroes

Bailee 2022-03-23 09:02:31

It doesn't matter the main melody

The main melody has become a kind of label, and it has become a kind of type that is looked upon differently. The reason for this is that the domestic main melody is too superficial. If there is anything in the news report, just shoot it, and if there is anything in the textbook, just shoot it. Shoot anything, not much at all, not much at all, no real digging.

In fact, this step is the film. If you really focus on that fire accident, there is not much to expand. The director spent more time and energy to shape the images of several key firefighters, their work and life, choices and confusion. , struggle and redemption. So much so that in the end, when the lives of 19 people came to an end, the audience felt the pain from the heart, and I even wanted to cry like the family in the gym.

At the end of the day, the core of a movie is not the story, but the people. When people stand up, the story will come alive, and the themes and emotions expressed by the film will no longer remain on the surface.

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Only the Brave quotes

  • Amanda Marsh: You got something to say to me before you walk out that door?

    Eric Marsh: Well, I guess I said some shit last night I shouldn't have.

    Amanda Marsh: Yeah. You did. Why?

    Eric Marsh: Because.

    Amanda Marsh: Because what?

    Eric Marsh: 'Cause... you're smarter than I am, especially when we squabble. And it pisses me off.

    Amanda Marsh: Well, I can appreciate that.

    Eric Marsh: I bet you can.

  • Duane Steinbrink: There are two things that will make the mayor move. Fear and greed.