
Delphine 2022-03-22 09:02:59

The film version of "Marriage Life" has 168 minutes, and the TV version is divided into six episodes, nearly five hours in length, but the plot is very simple and even boring. It focuses on the separation and reunion of a couple over the years, using large sections of dialogue that only convey the impossibility of communication. The story begins with two people being interviewed about the happiness of family life, and ends with crying relative to each other and deploring each other's selfishness and cowardice. Behind the splitting and closing is the gradual collapse of emotions, and the sense of despair in marriage is also witnessing the two protagonists. When the game of love and hate is mixed, it gradually deepens.

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Scenes from a Marriage quotes

  • Johan: I don't know what my love looks like, and I can't describe it. Most of the time I can't feel it.

  • Marianne: Are we living in utter confusion?

    Johan: You and I?

    Marianne: No, all of us.

    Johan: What do you mean?

    Marianne: I'm talking about fear, uncertainty and ignorance.Do you think that secretly we're afraid we're slipping downhill and don't know what to do?

    Johan: Yes, I think so.

    Marianne: Is it too late?

    Johan: Yes. But we shouldn't say things like that. Only think them.

    Marianne: Have we missed something important?

    Johan: All of us?

    Marianne: Yes...