The chief mate was lost by whale oil and greedily wanted to catch more whales; the three small boats wandered in the vast ocean for 90 days and finally ran out of food and could only rely on cannibalism to support their stamina. Following the progress of the movie, I seemed to be following them through the huge waves of the sea, the thrill of rebirth after the whale's tenacious resistance, and the desperation of waiting for death, and finally going smoothly after they were chased by giant whales step by step. After being rescued but losing a lot of companions, he was afraid, regret and self-blame. I wonder why people are always ambitious when they are young, thinking about doing a career, and then after a lifetime of unforgettable pains, will they regret certain decisions at the beginning, and finally live the rest of their lives peacefully? Human beings can live on the earth ahead of other species and become the greatest king. The source lies in the continuous pursuit of inner desires and then continuous progress. However, excessive desire can easily cause tragedy.
I have to mention that watching European and American movies is really enjoyable. In addition to the special effects of the post-production, the actors are very dedicated and really pay for the role! There will be no sense of drama.
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