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Trycia 2022-03-21 09:02:14

I think this is my favorite Lars Von Trier movie so far. Crazy Hoof's movies have a particularly fascinating mysticism, a particularly literary dimension. While Bess was alive, no "human being" truly accepted and loved her as unconditionally as the god in her. She has always had so much love unconditionally for everyone. I think it is precisely because most of the time she was alive that she felt indifference and rejection that she had so much love to share and give but didn't know how. So you will see that even those who care about her treat her like a child. She was always like a frightened deer, and she would be afraid, but the fiery love in her heart made her do what she believed in, at the cost of her own life. By the end, I thought most of the people in the movie were boring or hypocrite or disgusting, the old men who were speaking in the church were preaching how you should love the words of the Bible, the laws of the world and Order, Bess said, how can you love the words of the book, you can only love real people with all your heart. Those old, hypocritical, superstitious, vulgar guys! ! ! ! ! When I watched the movie, I thought of myself, how I looked when I fell in love, and Bess really has a lot of similarities! Even when I saw Jan asking Bess to casually have sex with a man and come back to tell him about it, I naively thought it was Jan's trick to get Bess to move on. Unlike Bess, I withdrew when I was constantly receiving disapproval signals from those around me. While watching this movie, I was also thinking about Antichrist, I feel that Crazy Hoof is interested in this aspect, he wants to focus on women, the second sex that is rejected by society, this second sex suffers ostracism, contempt, humiliation, not being understood, and more importantly, the blamed when there is suffering. The clitoris cut by the heroine in Antichrist is Bess's battered corpse tortured by the crew of the large ship. By telling the stories of women in this way, Crazy Hoof portrays the stupid beliefs in society, how people keep rationalizing themselves with different words and ideologies without seeing the real people in front of them. The movie is also a hypocrite that has been satirizing some religious people, who are talking about loving people in the world, but because Bess is the Sinner in their eyes, even when she collapses at the door of the church, she will turn her head and leave ,without hesitation. Antichrist is more mystic. What is behind this mysticism? I haven't figured it out yet.

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Breaking the Waves quotes

  • The Minister: I would say to you that if there is one of these commandments you do not love and do not obey, you have no business at the Lord's table.

  • The Minister: Can you think of anything of real value that the outsiders have brought with them?

    Bess McNeill: Uh... their music!