'Rick and Morty' Season 2

Noah 2022-04-07 09:01:06

Not as good as the first season overall, but still has a lot of highlights and a storyline that I like.

E1 9⭐️ Don't like Jerry

E2 7⭐️ Don't like Jerry, let alone a bunch of Jerry, and ⚙️ Gearheads

E3 10⭐️ The whole world is me, the whole world is me who loves you. —PS There is a Unity girlfriend who is fresh every day, but the fight is definitely not enough...

E4 9⭐️ A hodgepodge of characters, "Your truth is because we share weal and woe, too perfect to be unreal"

E5 8⭐️ is not as deep as the third season, but the easter eggs criticizing potato religion and Olympian sea are very good

E6 9⭐️ Dolls in nesting dolls, the collision of geniuses, sigh. Easter eggs are interesting

E7 9⭐️ Little Rick is cool, but not Rick. Love Summer! The relationship between parents is really interesting... Jerry is too much, deduct one star

E8 6⭐️ ? Too many TV commercials, I'm a little tired, Jerry's protagonist deducts the star

E9 10⭐️The serf turned over as a serf, can't be a landlord...Rick really loves Morty, Morty, can you have some snacks...

E10 10⭐️ Squanchy is so funny lol. It made me hate the word squash so much, I was a little worried when I threw away the BFF brand, and I wanted to know the story before them and Birdman.

Rick must have been in a mixed mood when he was hiding from eavesdropping. Summer's answer is so warm - "Loving someone is not about getting something in return, love is unconditional."

You ask me what makes this parallel world Rick the most Ricky?


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A Rickle in Time quotes

  • Rick: Uncertainty is inherently unsustainable. Eventually, everything either is or isn't.


    Veterinarian: Jesus.