'bout Sugar

Cindy 2022-12-20 22:11:57

calories = good fats avocado nuts + protein egg meat (fish chicken) + carbohydrates vegetables (mushroom carrots);

The liver enzyme enzyme alanine aminotransferase ALT can eliminate side effects, poor liver function will cause pimples, (excess fruit acid will lead to) triglyceride (fat in the blood) exceeds the standard; insulin is the key to open the cell to use Absorbs glucose to generate energy; insulin turns off fat burning if it processes glucose;

1 scoop of sugar/1 cube of sugar/4 grams of sugar, 34 scoops/139grams of sugar = 4 peaches 9limes30lemons30 strawberry Sugar=glucose (breads, pasta, veggies, grains) + lactose (cheese, milk, yogurt) + sucrose (glucose+fructose)

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