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Webster 2022-03-21 09:01:45

The director's intention is obvious, but he didn't dig deep enough, and I don't know what it means to be deep, it just feels like something. In the end, the female lawyer repeatedly emphasized that "it's a possibility, not a fact". If it can persuade people in life, it's too ridiculous to take it in court. Many cases have only circumstantial evidence. Is it just a "possibility" as long as there is no direct evidence? Judges are not policemen. The police are responsible for finding the truth, and the judges are responsible for convicting crimes based on the evidence they already have. Don’t make it so difficult for judges. But I have to admit that this exciting rhetoric is very useful to juries who have not received professional legal education. From this, we can also see the shortcomings of the jury system.

This movie made me feel that the satanic demons are very boring. Such invisible things will only attach themselves to people to act as demons. Without human beings as the carrier, they cannot even appear. And that devil wants to bully and should bully the believers of God, what are you doing to an atheist? Didn't you kill the atheist by forcing him to believe in God? If the devil's brain is really so bad, there's nothing to be afraid of; if the devil's brain is so bad, his archenemy God doesn't believe it. After all, it's still the screenwriter's brain that doesn't work.

Besides, there is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and us. The opponent is a demon who has no trace and great power. Even a priest is only a spiritual person. The opponent of the devil is God. What about God's enemies? Go to your Lord for help, this is not human control. In the end, the grandson of God did not come out to save the field. You have to honestly admit that you can’t beat it. In order to save your suffering believers, you just need to kowtow to the devil and admit your mistake. In the end, you didn't even meet me. I believed in you for so many years, are you worthy of me? Anyway, I still saw his black robe, why are you afraid that your noble holy light will blind me? It’s fine if you don’t show your face, it’s fine if you slip away, how can you still say something like “this is your life” that seems to explain everything but doesn’t actually explain anything? Fooling old hands, slurping people. Is there anything that God can't do? Then do you also believe in your God - the God of Destiny? As I said earlier, I was kneeling to the wrong person. I have experienced the magic power of the devil, but what about the divine power of God? I suspect that the director is black Christianity. Either God is the originator of marketing, and the angel is his navy. When there is nothing in the world, it is quite pleasant to enjoy the incense offerings of human beings and collect human thoughts. It's basically trash, it's trash.

I suddenly had an idea. After some scientists who were atheists died, if they encountered the devil, the devil thought that some supernatural phenomena were caused by himself. Angered, he chased after him, studied science, and vowed to use scientific means to prove that something cannot be explained by science. New ideas for novels.

I also wondered if it was out of self-preservation that people called the perverse behavior of some brutal people demon possession? They do not want to believe that they, who are human beings, can do such horrific things, simply shirk these cruelties that they cannot understand and do not want to believe to another unfalsifiable "evil spirit" to maintain the stability of their inner order. From this point of view, the devil is a scapegoat, heh heh, he just wants to fight with God, and you blame all the bad things on him. Obviously it is human beings themselves that are ugly, but it must be said that it is the fault of the god of darkness. This hell commander really has no time to play with you humans. Maybe God and the devil just quarreled over trivial matters at first, and it was already unclear who was right and who was wrong. Humans wanted to take advantage of the fisherman and fanned the flames madly in it, lest the world be in chaos, but they did not expect to be used by a more black-bellied god. So the earliest group of human beings "willingly" spoke for God, and later it gradually became a custom. Case closed.

To this day, human beings still fantasize about having a higher will above themselves, what alien civilizations, what monsters and ghosts. Maybe it's something that human evolution has inscribed in the genes. Our ancestors have suffered from underestimating enemies, so it's always good to be vigilant.

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The Exorcism of Emily Rose quotes

  • Father Moore: Are you a Catholic?

    Erin Bruner: No. I'm an agnostic, I guess. I'm not really sure.

    Father Moore: If you're not sure, then you are one.

  • Ethan Thomas: So, the judge thinks we should offer your client a new plea agreement. Apparently she thinks the community would be better served without this trial.

    Erin Bruner: How do you feel about it, personally?

    Ethan Thomas: My job is to represent the interest of the people, make an effort to be objective.

    Erin Bruner: Hm. I ask because I know you're a churchgoer. Now you're sent to prosecute a man of God.

    Ethan Thomas: Your priest broke the law and a young girl is dead. If he's a man of God, then personally I think he's even more subject to the laws of moral behavior and punishment. If it were up to me he'd get no deal at all.

    Erin Bruner: What about forgiveness and compassion? Isn't that part of your creed or does that just get in the way of your work?

    Ethan Thomas: If you have compassion for your client, counselor, you'll persuade him to accept this: Charges reduced to reckless endangerment, 12 months in a county jail, reducible to 6 plus probation if he can stay out of trouble. Somehow I expect he can manage that, but please understand me... if he refuses I will seek the maximum.