Hysteria, or worse

Orie 2022-11-19 19:42:16

It's generally a cult movie, so simple, so bloody (this is "violence" that caters to popular tastes), and then a death ending (the so-called punishment), horror movies are basically for no reason other than cool, but cool as a Reason and purpose, then it means that there is no reason, just as reversing for the sake of reversing is just to show cleverness, but it is not clever at all. The arrangement of the whole story is that if there is a cause, there will be an effect, and it is the next one, and the next one, constantly introducing new things to continue, until it is inevitable at the end, and goes straight back to the beginning. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is indeed a dialect of hysteria.

But the radical nature of hysteria should lie in how to make this mothertopia built by protection (covering up) and punishment close to utopia. So in the second story, the scumbag gets pregnant and dies, but in "Forbidden Girls", the ending of this story is not death, it's a very simple anti-tyranny logic (not freedom - resistance, resistance - freedom), but This scumbag accepted the bloody reality - he was greeted by a foreign body born from his own body. In this ending, "Forbidden Girl" goes a step further than this male-female exchange drama, which is not just for men to feel the pain of women's pregnancy (empathy), but for them to directly become the mother of the child, turning fantasy into reality ( empathy). Therefore, "not giving in to desires" is precisely not abstinence (and then indulgence), but taking this illusion as reality, and even letting it settle directly.

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